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俄寡頭倫敦狹路相逢 保鏢對戰似黑幫電影
[ 2007-10-10 15:00 ]
Roman Abramovich vs Boris Berezovsky.[File Photo/ABC News]
For Roman Abramovich, the billionaire owner of Chelsea football club, not even a luxury goods store in London's exclusive Knightsbridge district is a refuge from the rough and tumble of Russian business.

Abramovich was shopping in the area when rival Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky spotted him and charged over to serve him with a writ, Berezovsky told Reuters on Monday.

It was thousands of miles from the Siberian oilfields the two men are fighting over, but they were drawn together by their love of the finer things in life: Abramovich was in a Hermes luxury goods shop, and Berezovsky was in Dolce & Gabbana.

"I was buying presents in Sloane Street and when I left the Dolce & Gabbana, my bodyguards said Abramovich was in Hermes which is just next door to Dolce & Gabbana," Berezovsky told Reuters by telephone from London.

"When he saw me, Abramovich tried to hide behind his bodyguards," he said. "I threw it at his feet and told him I was serving him the writ, and then I turned around and left the shop."

A spokesman for Abramovich declined to comment on the incident or the dispute over Russian assets.

Berezovsky, once one of Russia's most influential men, fled Russia in 2000 after falling out of favor with President Vladimir Putin.

He has become one of Putin's fiercest critics from his base in London, where he was granted political asylum in 2003.

Abramovich is governor of Russia's remote Chukotka region, near Alaska, but has been spending much of his time in Britain since selling some of his biggest assets in Russia and buying the fashionable Chelsea soccer club in 2003.

Berezovsky said the writ outlined his claims against Abramovich over billions of dollars worth of stakes in oil company Sibneft, metals giant RUSAL and television station ORT.

Berezovsky said that after he fell out with Putin, Abramovich, acting for the Kremlin, had taken control of the stakes.

Berezovsky said his case against Abramovich was under British jurisdiction and the matter can formally enter the legal system now the writ had been served. Berezovsky had the writ in his car because he had been trying to serve it for some time.

"I understand that readers are happy to read that the battle is going on in boutiques but it is actually much more serious," Berezovsky told Reuters.

"It looks like a story about boutiques but it is a story about peoples' lives."

Gas giant Gazprom bought Sibneft in 2005 for more than $13 billion from Millhouse Capital, Abramovich's investment vehicle.

RUSAL was merged in 2007 into United Company RUSAL, the world's largest primary aluminium producer, which is 66-percent controlled by tycoon Oleg Deripaska.



Roman Abramovich:羅曼?阿布拉莫維奇,俄羅斯寡頭,英國切爾西足球俱樂部老板。2005年3月根據福布斯雜志統計他的資產約有133億美金,是俄羅斯首富及全世界排名第21位的富豪。

Boris Berezovsky:鮑里斯?別列佐夫斯基,俄羅斯寡頭,集數學家、金融家、媒體大亨和“政壇鬼才”各種身份于一身。


fall out:爭吵,鬧翻

political asylum:政治庇護


(英語點津 Celene 編輯)

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