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Bush, Clinton appear on stage together
[ 2009-05-31 10:20 ]

5月29日,美國(guó)前總統(tǒng)喬治?W?布什和比爾?克林頓卸任后首度同臺(tái)在加拿大多倫多國(guó)際會(huì)展中心先后發(fā)表演講,并一起討論美國(guó)和加拿大面臨的全球性和地區(qū)性挑戰(zhàn)。布什和克林頓分屬共和黨和民主黨,兩人政見(jiàn)向來(lái)互異,這樣同臺(tái)演講還是第一次。演講結(jié)束之后,兩人還參加了由加拿大前駐美國(guó)大使弗蘭克?邁克肯納主持的討論會(huì)。討論會(huì)一開(kāi)始,布什就與克林頓“稱(chēng)兄道弟”,說(shuō):“我母親說(shuō)克林頓總統(tǒng)經(jīng)常和我父親一起同臺(tái)參加活動(dòng),像是她的兒子。所以,見(jiàn)到你很高興,兄弟。 ”



Former US President George W. Bush called former President Bill Clinton "his brother" and the two rarely disagreed in their first-ever appearance together on stage.

Former US President George W. Bush called former President Bill Clinton "his brother" and the two rarely disagreed in their first-ever appearance together on stage.

The Republican and Democratic ex-presidents defended each other at a Toronto forum on Friday, disappointing some in the crowd of 6,000 who expected a more heated debate.

Bush said that he never liked it when previous administration officials criticized his government but said Clinton was respectful and never did.

Bush declined to criticize the Obama administration, in contrast to former Vice President Dick Cheney, who has been a vocal critic of Obama. Bush, who wasn't asked about Cheney, said there are "plenty of critics in America."

Bush and Clinton did differ on Iraq. Clinton said UN inspectors should have been given more time to conduct the search for weapons of mass destruction and Bush should have concentrated on Afghanistan. Bush disagreed.

"I don't buy the premise that our attention was diverted," Bush said.

Bush joked about how much time his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and Clinton spend together. He said his mother, Barbara Bush, "said President Clinton and Father share the stage so much, he's like a son to her."

He said, "So brother, it's good to see you."

Clinton and the elder Bush have worked together to lead fundraising after disasters such as the southeast Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and last summer's Hurricane Ike.

While both men received polite applause from the audience at Toronto's convention center, a couple hundred protesters demonstrated outside.

The organizers declined to say how much the men were paid for the event, called "A conversation with Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton." Ticket prices sold for C$200 to C$2,500.

Bush joked about the speaking fees, which are normally lucrative for former presidents.

"President Clinton and I used to believe in free speech," Bush said before pausing. "So thanks very much for coming - we are glad you're here."

The two made speeches before taking questions from moderator Frank McKenna, Canada's former ambassador to the United States.

Asked why he didn't stop the killing in the Rwanda genocide when he was president in 1994, Clinton said he had no excuse or defense.

"It's one of the two or three greatest regrets of my presidency," Clinton said.

Clinton said the US could have saved 250,000 or 400,000 of the 800,000 people who died had he sent about 20,000 troops. Bush defended Clinton, saying 20,000 troops could not have been mobilized quickly.

Clinton praised Bush for his AIDS initiatives and also hailed the racial and ethnic diversity of his cabinet choices.

Christian Darbyshire and Andy McCreath, partners in tinePublic Inc, organized the event. They hosted Bush for his first speech since leaving office in March and have also hosted others like former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.








weapons of mass destruction: 大規(guī)模殺傷性武器

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