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[ 2013-11-19 13:18] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009


III—Modern market system


Efforts are to be made to build a market system that is uniform but open, orderly and competitive.

9. 建立公平開放透明的市場規則。實行統一的市場準入制度,在制定負面清單基礎上,各類市場主體可依法平等進入清單之外領域。改革市場監管體系,嚴禁和懲處各類違法實行優惠政策行為,反對地方保護,反對壟斷。健全優勝劣汰市場化退出機制。

9. Make market rules that are fair, open and transparent. Implement a unified market entrance system, with market players of all kinds able to enter equally and legitimately into areas that are not on the negative list. Reform the market regulation system, erasing regional protection, illegitimate favorable policies and monopoly. Perfect the market exit mechanism to promote the survival of the fittest.

10. 完善主要由市場決定價格的機制。凡是能由市場形成價格的都交給市場。推進水、石油、天然氣、電力、交通、電信等領域價格改革。政府定價范圍主要限定在重要公用事業、公益性服務、網絡型自然壟斷環節。

10. Perfect a mechanism where prices are determined by the market. Any price that can be affected by the market must be left to the market. Push ahead with price reforms of water, oil and natural gas, electricity, transportation and telecommunication. Areas in which the government sets prices will be confined to public utilities, public service and areas that are naturally monopolized.

11. 建立城鄉統一的建設用地市場。在符合規劃和用途管制前提下,允許農村集體經營性建設用地出讓、租賃、入股。擴大國有土地有償使用范圍。減少非公益性用地劃撥。

11. Form a construction-land market that unifies urban and rural areas. Allow the sale, leasing and demutualization of rural, collectively owned buildable land under the premise that it conforms to planning. Enlarge the area in which State-owned land can be leased. Reduce land allocation that does not promote public welfare.

12. 完善金融市場體系。擴大金融業對內對外開放。在加強監管前提下,允許具備條件的民間資本依法發起設立中小型銀行等金融機構。推進政策性金融機構改革。推進股票發行注冊制改革,,提高直接融資比重。完善人民幣匯率市場化形成機制。加快推進利率市場化,加快實現人民幣資本項目可兌換。建立存款保險制度,完善金融機構市場化退出機制。

12. Improve financial markets. Further open up the financial industry. Allow qualified private capital to set up financial institutions such as small- and medium-sized banks, under enhanced supervision. Push ahead with reform of policy-based financial institutions. Promote reform toward a registration-based stock-issuing system and increase the proportion of direct financing. Improve market-based exchange rate formation mechanisms for the renminbi. Accelerate interest rate liberalization and capital-account convertibility. Build a deposit insurance system and complete the market-based exit system for financial institutions.

13. 深化科技體制改革。建立健全鼓勵創新的體制機制。健全技術創新市場導向機制。加強知識產權運用和保護。探索建立知識產權法院。打破行政主導和部門分割,建立主要由市場決定技術創新項目和經費分配、評價成果的機制。完善風險投資機制,創新商業模式,促進科技成果資本化、產業化。

13. Deepen science and technology system reform. Set up and complete a system that encourages innovation. Perfect a market-based system that encourages technological innovation. Strengthen intellectual property application and protection. Explore ways to set up intellectual-property courts. Break executive-leading and departmental segmentation, building a system where the market decides innovation program selection, resource allocation and result assessment. Improve the venture capital system, innovate business models and promote capitalization and industrialization, and scientific and technological achievements.


IV—Government role


The government must effectively shift its role by building itself into a service-type government that bases its functions on the law.

14. 健全宏觀調控體系。企業投資項目,除關系國家安全和生態安全、涉及全國重大生產力布局、戰略性資源開發和重大公共利益等項目外,一律由企業依法依規自主決策,政府不再審批。建立健全防范和化解產能過剩長效機制。完善發展成果考核評價體系,糾正單純以經濟增長速度評定政績的偏向。編制全國和地方資產負債表,建立全社會房產、信用等基礎數據統一平臺。

14. Improve macroeconomic regulation and control. Government review and approval procedures will be removed for investors except in areas relating to national security, ecological safety, important arrangements for manufacturing capacity, development of strategic resources and crucial public interests. Establish and improve the long-term mechanism to prevent overcapacity in manufacturing sectors. Form a comprehensive assessment system for officials' performance to rectify the one that overemphasizes GDP growth. Produce charts of assets and debts of central and local governments, and set up integrated credit and real-estate data platforms.

15. 全面正確履行政府職能。進一步簡政放權,深化行政審批制度改革,最大限度減少中央政府對微觀事務的管理。市場機制能有效調節的經濟活動,一律取消審批。推廣政府購買服務,引入競爭機制。逐步取消公辦事業單位的行政級別,建立各類事業單位統一登記管理制度。

15. Perform government duties comprehensively and correctly. Further deepen the reform of administrative review and approval procedures, and reduce the central government's control over market operations to a minimal level. The government should withdraw from business activities that can be regulated and modulated by market rules. Competition must be introduced and strengthened in the government's purchase of services. Gradually abrogate the administrative rank of publicly funded organizations and set up a registration mechanism for such organizations.

16. 優化政府組織結構。積極穩妥實施大部門制。有條件的地方探索推進省直接管理縣(市)體制改革。嚴格控制財政供養人員總量。

16. Streamline government structure. Actively and steadily carry out reform that merges ministries that have overlapping functions. Encourage some provinces to explore provincial government's direct administration of cities or counties. Strictly control the number and expense of government employees.





(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)






