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Beyonce, Jennifer Lawrence and Taylor Swift inject new life into 2014's wob

[ 2014-11-13 09:54] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
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After spending months as one of the world's most popular haircuts, the lob - or 'long bob' - has all but been forgotten by its many fans, who have instead turned their affections towards a new hairstyle sensation: the wob.

According to celebrity hairstylist Edward Tricomi, the wavy hairstyle, which is favored by the likes of Jennifer Lawrence, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, has seen many long-time fans of the lob giving their hairstyle an update and adding a bit of bounce and body in order to create a more carefree and youthful look.

'The long, wavy bob look is very big and will stay that way for a while, as I'm consistently seeing people move toward this easy-to-style look,' Mr Tricomi, master stylist and co-founder of Warren-Tricomi Salons, told Popsugar.

'In the Winter, people usually lean toward clean yet low-maintenance styles, and this is something that fits into both categories, while also being playful and young.'

Mr Tricomi added that, while the wob, and indeed the lob, are shorter than the majority of the more popular Hollywood hairstyles in recent years, he doesn't see the trend fading any time soon, mainly because it is so easy for celebrities to grow out if they decide they want to change their look up.

That theory has certainly proved true for the likes of Karlie Kloss and Emma Stone, who are frequently seen toying with lengthier locks before reverting back to the much-loved wob within a matter of days.

'It's a short hair look without the commitment,' Mr Tricomi, who is known among his clientele as 'Edward Scissorhands thanks to his dry-hair precision styling and incredibly quick haircut technique, said. 'You can grow out quickly.'

Earlier this year, hairdresser Clyde Elezi revealed just why shoulder-length hair has become so popular during the last year.

'Everyone can suit short hair,' Mr Elezi, who ownsNew York's The Drawing Room salon, said.

'When your hair is long and plain, I guarantee no one will stop you on the street to ask about your hair.

'But when you have a stylish crop, you'll find you get endless compliments. It's all about the details.'

When it comes to styling the wob, there are a huge variety of options available, from tousled, choppy waves to a more sleek and glamorous curl - and all can be easily achieved with just a handful of tools and products.



明星發型師愛德華·特里科米(Edward Tricomi)稱,詹尼佛·勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)、碧昂斯(Beyoncé)以及泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)都非常喜歡卷發。為了看上去更加隨性、年輕,許多長款波波頭的長期粉絲還把頭發燙卷,為其增添了一絲活力和韻味。

“沃倫—特里科米”沙龍(Warren-Tricomi Salons)的聯合創始人和總造型師特里科米在接受Popsugar采訪時表示,長款卷發波波頭看起來較蓬松,而且這種蓬松感能保持一段時間,他常常看到人們選擇這款比較容易打理的發型。



這番話在卡莉·克勞斯(Karlie Kloss)和艾瑪·斯通(Emma Stone)身上得到了驗證。她們倆經常在一段時間內不停地變換發型,之后又換回她們最愛的卷發波波頭。

特里科米因其吹發技術精湛、理發速度快,在顧客中享有一定的知名度。顧客們稱他為“剪刀手愛德華”(Edward Scissorhands)。他表示,這種短發并不是一成不變的,它很快就可以長長了。

今年年初,理發師克萊德·埃萊齊(Clyde Elezi)解釋了去年齊肩長發流行的原因。

埃萊齊擁有紐約的The Drawing Room沙龍。他認為每個人都適合短發。




(譯者?hyylf 編輯 祝興媛)


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