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On the up 好改觀

[ 2013-05-07 13:44]     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009

(Jennifer and Jean are finishing work for the day.)

Jennifer: Jean, look at the time! It's 5 o'clock. Time to go home. Are you coming out for a drink after work?

Jean: Sure, 我們一起去樓下的酒吧喝上一杯如何?

Jennifer: Great idea, I love it there. It's very handy working six floors above one of the best bars in London!

Jean: I know. Let's go. 我們要不走樓梯下去吧?我知道從六樓一路走下去運動量是不小,不過樓里的電梯實在是不好用。

Jennifer: I think the lift has been fixed now… let's see…

(Pushes button, lift doors open)

Jean: 還真的是修好了。Great!

Jennifer: Things are on the up in this place!

Jean: Up? 往上?That's not right, we need to go down. 酒吧不在樓上在樓下,我們現在是在六樓,所以我們要去酒吧絕對是要往下走才對啊…

Jennifer: No, that's not what I mean. In English, the phrase 'on the up' is used to describe something that is improving, or getting better.

Jean: I see! 就是說,在英語里 'on the up' 這樣一個短語是用來形容某個東西或事情開始有好的改觀,“走上坡路”了,很像我們中國人說的“芝麻開花,節節高”!

Jennifer: Things are 'on the up' here – they are getting better because the lift has been fixed. Let's hear some more examples of the phrase.


My sister has just got a new job. The company has given her a house and a car as part of the deal – things are on the up for her!

The economy is on the up now that the new government is in power. They've already helped to create thousands of new jobs!

Jean: On the up. Great phrase!

(Lift bell rings)

Jennifer: Well, here we are, I'll get the drinks. What would you like?

Jean: 我想來一杯雞尾酒,謝謝,a Cosmopolitan maybe?

Jennifer: No problem, I'll get one too. Two Cosmopolitans, please.

Barman: It's your lucky day! All cocktails are half price today!

Jean: 全場雞尾酒一律半價!太棒了!Things are on the up because the price has gone down!

Jennifer: Very good!

Jean: Cheers!



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(來源:BBC英語教學? 編輯:Julie)





