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Souvenirs, souvenirs…

Updated: 2012-07-27 16:12
( chinadaily.com.cn)

Souvenirs, souvenirs…

You can travel anywhere in the world, there will be always something that you must do: buying some souvenirs for relatives, friends and of course for yourself too. Your China tours will offer you a large selection of souvenirs, if something strikes your eyes you will buy it, or on the contrary maybe you won't buy anything since you always see same stuff on every sight-seeing place. This article will be for the travelers who don't know what to bring back at home and could help the shopping addicts to pack their suitcase at their China hotel and not to overweight it by giving you the 10 top souvenirs you should buy from your trip.


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1. Tea set and tea leaves

As everyone knows, China is worldwide known for its tea. There's a whole ceremony and tradition to prepare and drink it. Chinese natural reliefs can provide a great quality and numerous varieties of tea leaves. The most famous tea is from the Yunnan Province, it is called the Pu'er Tea, and it is the highest quality tea leaves that you can find in China. It is generally sold in tea cakes form, which roughly equals to 500g and the price is generally high (from 200RMB to thousands of yuan). But of course you can also find good cheaper tea as jasmine tea, green tea and black tea. Don't forget to buy a traditional tea set to fully enjoy all the flavors of your tea. Before buying the tea set just ask to the salesperson to show you how to us it!

2. Chinese paintings and drawings

Offering a rice paper Indian ink painting and inscriptions is always well appreciated by Chinese people, if you're lucky enough maybe you'll get one from a nice Chinese local. But you can also buy some or having it painted by some artists in streets or parks. They can draw landscapes, characters, portraits and caricatures.

3. Qipao (Chinese traditional dress)

If you have seen Wong Kar Wai's "In the mood for love" you must be dying to buy one of Maggie's dresses (the actress). She is certainly the best ambassador to promote Chinese elegance all around the world since the dresses fit her perfectly and show eastern beauty. You can buy tailor-made dresses or buy a cheaper one on a random Qipao's shop. Sirs, I can assure you that women would love it!

4. Chinese fan

Chinese fan is the perfect souvenir: this object won't take a lot of space in your suitcase so you can buy one for each of you friends, it's a Chinese traditional item, you have a large choice of colors, textures and shapes, and most of all, you know that everyone (except in cold countries) would use it when the temperature is rising up.

5. Chinese food

It's a great occasion for you to share your culinary experience with your relatives by bringing back some snacks, cookies or candies. Indeed, I think that in western countries you won't find little packets of dried squid, dried meat, dragon fruit/ginger/durian… flavored candy, or egg tarts.

6. Funny T-shirts

I've been in China for few months already and I can say that I've never seen as many funny t-shirts of my life. In general you can find them in souvenir shops and they sell it at a good price. I think that seeing an American man wearing a t-shirt "ObaMao" in the United States would be fun.

7. Jade jewelry

Jade is the favorite stone of Chinese people it symbolizes honesty, justice and kindness. Formerly, Chinese people use to think that this stone has the power of preserving dead corpse, so they use to put some in the pockets of dead people before burying them. Now it is considered as a lucky charm.

8. Funny gadgets

Markets, streets, shops, you can find some funny items almost everywhere. It can be pens, phone wire elastic clasp for hair, keyboard key ring, crazy sunglasses and so on. The list is too long, but it is very easy to find funny gadgets and quite cheap.

9. Postcards

It goes without saying that you can't leave without having bought some postcards. It's the classical souvenir. Even if you don't send them, it will be nice to stick it your office desk, in your room, or just share your memories with your friends.

10. Funny hats

Since Chinese people love to wear hats in summertime to protect them again the sun. You have the choice in touristic places between the communist hat with a red star, the traditional Chinese opera hat, the emperor's hat, or the traditional triangle Chinese hat.

Your family and friends couldn't be upset if you offer them one of these items above coming back from your China travel even if anything would make them happy as long as you have thought about them. See for any choice for a tour, please visit http://www.chinatraveldepot.com/Activities/. Souvenirs are made to offer to those who were not with you, and it will help you to remember all the good adventures you've been through, but the best memories will still lies in your mind forever.

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