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Pu'an tea culture steeped in time

By Zhang Xiao

Updated: 2014-04-24

One of China's most revered tea-growing regions now has a new plantation that aims to preserve a critically endangered variety that is found only in the area.

The unique and ancient tea tree, known as Camellia tetracocca Zhang, is found only in Pu'an county, Guizhou province. The new plantation, which held its opening ceremony on Wednesday, bears the same name: Camellia Tetracocca Zhang Tea Garden.

Cai Ronghe, a local elder of the Buyi ethnic group started the day's events by leading the prayers to pay respect to the most-ancient tea tree in the village.

Other rituals included the blessing of holy water, giving gifts, and reading aloud in the Buyi language.

By afternoon, the ceremony was moved to Jiangxipo Tea Garden where local Buyi people gave performances, such as singing, dancing and playing local instruments.

There was also a ceremonial display of the ancient tea-picking tradition.

Video: Huan CAO

Producer: Flora Yue

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