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Guizhou NPC delegates say students need a warmer winter

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-03-08

One Guizhou provincial delegate to China's annual National People's Congress taking place in Beijing says that the province need a better heat supply for higher altitude, colder parts of the province, where average temperatures in winter can be as low as -10 C for three months, but some places have no heating system, so physical exercise is the only way to keep warm.

Wu Minglan, who is from the city of Liupanshui, told reporters, on March 7, "It's really harsh in winter for students," and explained that they suffer from frostbite because of the lack of heating in classrooms and teachers encourage them to huddle together to keep warm.

Wu says that this is the second time for her to make this suggestion, and adds that she would like it to be expanded across whole province. She notes that last year's suggestion did attract some attention and that some companies said they would like to provide free heating, but the project was set aside because of cost of installation.

She concludes that she hopes the issue can be resolved, and estimates that it would only cost 150 yuan ($22.9) per student every semester if the work can be completed.

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