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My affection for Inner Mongolia


Updated: 2017-04-18

Notice on soliciting stories and photos to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region
Dear friends, how time flies! We will soon celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. Over the past seven decades, many memorable stories have happened in this fertile and splendid land.

No matter whether you are an Inner Mongolian native or a foreigner living in this autonomous region, you are sure to have stories to share with us.

The website of http://gushi.nmgnews.com.cn/ is a platform to publish interesting stories that have happened in Inner Mongolia.

Now we invite you to share your stories about Inner Mongolia through a variety of means. Your work will be strong evidence for the great changes that have taken place in Inner Mongolia.

1. Submission Deadline

My affection for Inner Mongolia

Aug 31, 2017

2. Work Requirements

(1) Requirements for theme

The stories can have different topics but must be themed around “My Stories with Inner Mongolia”. In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, all the articles must be based on personal experience and depict the development and progress the autonomous region has achieved during the past 70 years. Topics can be picked in various areas including the remarkable progress made in production and people’s daily lives, close ties between Inner Mongolia residents, inspiring stories of the pioneers, unforgettable memories linked with work and life experience in Inner Mongolia, foreigners’ impressions of Inner Mongolia and Inner Mongolia residents’ wishes for the future of the autonomous region.

Work submitted can be in any art form, yet must have a distinct theme and embody the spirit of the times to convey the messages of development, happiness and harmony, and to depict the “Chinese Dream” Inner Mongolia is striving to realize.

(2) Requirements for articles

a. The theme of articles should be “the connection between me and Inner Mongolia”, which center around displaying the symbolic characters and events over the 70-year period since the Inner Mongolia autonomous region was established.

b. Articles should be written in prose, informal essay or mini-novel style, and the number of words should not exceed 3,000 or be less than 800.

c. All parts of the manuscript should be in the place of the email body, attachments are not acceptable.

(3) Requirements for video and picture submissions

a. Pictures should be between 600 pixels and 800 pixels in JPG format and be of a high quality. There is no limit on the number of pictures.

b. Videos should not exceed 10 minutes and should be in MP4 format. Videos must have complete caption information, including the title and credits.

c. Old pictures and videos should include a document with background information.

(4) Requirements for Html5 webpages and animation designs

a. H5 web page: the contribution should contain 10 to 20 web pages and be attached in the text of an e-mail in the form of URL links, which should be permanently accessible.

Attention: contributions with inaccessible URLs, too many or insufficient pages will not qualify for selection.

b. Animation: animations should not exceed 5 minutes, and must have complete subtitles consisting of a title, ending, and credits.

Technical requirements: minimum pixels: 720X576; animation format: MP4

Notice: all contributions should be original and the contents should be true and credible.

3. Rewards

(1) Excellent contributions will be published on http://gushi.nmgnews.com.cn/ and promoted on the homepage of the website.

(2) Excellent works will also be published on http://www.nmgnews.com.cn/ and featured by major media organizations in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, such as http://www.mgyxw.net/U_index.html; http://www.solongonews.mn/; http://innermongolia.chinadaily.com.cn/.

(3) The top 20 articles, pictures, videos and audio submissions, as well as the top 10 H5 pages and animations (according to statistics like the number of unique visitors) will be published on http://gushi.nmgnews.com.cn/ in October.

4. Submission and Consultation

Please submit works to nmghgs@163.com and label with keywords related to the event. Also, please note down the authors’ real name, contact information, fixed address, and e-mail address. Without clear and adequate information, submissions may not be published.

Contact us: 0471-6659721

Person responsible: Liu Yuhan

Inner Mongolia Network News Center

April 3, 2017


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