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Jilin plans for 'new normal' growth

By Dong Jidong ( China Daily )

Jilin province has made great strides in rejuvenating its economy since reform and opening-up began in the late 1970s, especially after the central government made the decision in 2003 to revitalize aging industrial bases in Northeast China, said Jilin Party chief Bayanqolu at a video conference on Feb 25.
Yet the province now faces new challenges as the nation's economy steps into "new normal" growth, he said.

Jilin plans for 'new normal' growth

High-tech companies in the Changchun High-Tech Zone are considered a vital force in Jilin's latest move to upgrade its industrial structure. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Bayanqolu's video conference - held on the first work day after Spring Festival - aimed to motivate officials to contribute to the province's development in the context of new normal growth.

Jilin's gross domestic product increased 6.5 percent last year, the highest of Northeast China provinces, but still lagging behind most other regions in the country.

The province should seize new opportunities for development and push forward a growth driven by reform and innovation, Bayinchaolu said.

"It is unprecedented that the meeting was held on the first day after the Spring Festival holiday. I feel motivated and also pressured," said Wang Mingde, Party chief of Shuangyang district in Changchun, according to a Xinhua News Agency report.

At the conference, Bayanqolu also told officials they must take the initiative to perform their duties, while public supervision should be strengthened to prevent "non-action" by officials.

The province achieved its goal set at the beginning of last year to reform 81 items on the administrative approval list. The number of administrative approval needed decreased by 60.5 percent to 234. No approvals are now required for non-administrative licensed items, making Jilin the first province that has achieved the goal in the country.

The province's reform of the courts, the legal system and business registration are also pioneering efforts in the country.

The government should focus on key projects that drive quality growth as well as continued innovation, opening-up, environmental protection and efforts to improve people's livelihood to improve the province's economy, Bayinchaolu said.

Jilin plans for 'new normal' growth

Automobile assembly plant in the Changchun Hig-Tech Zone, a leading auto production center in China. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Priorities this year include revitalizing pillar industries, boosting the development of competitive industries, fostering emerging industries and improving the service sector, said Governor Jiang Chaoliang, who presided over the meeting.

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