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Highlights of the coming tenth China-Northeast Asia Expo


The approaching tenth China-Northeast Asia Expo?will discuss initiating technology transition association within Northeast Asia countries, reported the local Jilin Daily on August 3, noting that it will be a good site for exchanges on technology between China, Japan and South Korea.

The association wants to give full exposure to Jilin's technology market, technology matchmaking, and projects through meetings, exchanges and a research site to share information and technological developments between the countries.

The provincial science and technology department will also be holding the 5th Industrial Technological Forum, the Changchun-Jilin-Tumen Area China-ROK International Technology Transformation Meeting, and the inauguration of the Changchun International Photoelectric Technology Park, during the expo. The head of the international cooperation section of the provincial science and technology department, Bai Yingjie, explains, "We will use the expo to increase cooperation in technology for bio-medicines, medical equipment, and organic agricultural products with Japan and South Korea."
