
Highlights of China's newly adopted counter-terrorism law

(Xinhua) Updated : 2015-12-28

China's top legislature on Sunday adopted the country's first counter-terrorism law in the latest attempt to address terrorism at home and help maintain world security. Following are some highlights in the law:

-- The State opposes terrorism of any form. The State makes no compromise with terrorist organizations and individuals.

-- In counter-terrorism work, human rights shall be respected and guaranteed, and citizens' freedom of religious belief and ethnic customs shall be respected.

-- The State will establish a national institution to lead and direct counter-terrorism work. Governments of and above city level shall also set up counter-terrorism leading organs while those at county level can set up such organs if necessary.

-- All organizations and individuals have the obligation to assist and cooperate with security departments to fight terrorism. Those having made contributions should be honored and rewarded.

-- Once a terrorist organization or individual is discovered, financial organizations should immediately freeze relevant deposits and accounts, and report to public security and State security departments.

-- Operators of telecommunications and Internet services should offer technological assistance and cooperation with security departments to help prevent and investigate terrorist activities.

-- Logistical businesses undertaking mail, air, train or highway freight should check the identity of clients and the content of cargo. Providers of telecommunications, Internet, finance, accommodation and passenger transport services should also check the identity of clients.

-- Prison and detention houses should make clearance assessment before the release of inmates convicted with terrorism or extremism, and give settlement proposals to judicial organs if the inmates are deemed perilous to the community.

-- Flight control, civil aviation and police departments should strengthen management on airspace, aircraft and flight activities to prevent terrorist activities.

-- Visa issuance and customs departments have the right to deny the exit and entry of people involved in terrorism, and transfer them to the police or State security organs.

-- A national intelligence center specially against terrorism will be established.

-- With strict approval procedures, police and State security departments can employ technological means of reconnaissance to support the efforts of counter-terrorism intelligence and information.

-- Police forces, in the face of violent attackers with guns or knives, may use weapons under emergency circumstances.

-- No institutions or individuals may fabricate or disseminate information on forged terrorist incidents, report on or disseminate details of terrorist activities that might lead to imitation, nor publish scenes of cruelty or inhumanity about terrorist activities.

-- The police may restrain certain activities of terrorist suspects, such as not leaving town, not taking public transport, not meeting or communicating with certain people.

-- Under the circumstances of terrorist incidents, those under direct terrorist threat or harm must be given prior protection.