
Hot Talks

Should US, Canada open up to Chinese tourists?

Updated: 2007-03-22 14:56
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A China Daily report on March 21 quoted a Chinese official that China wants the US and Canada to open their doors to Chinese visitors asap.

Some figures of the story show:
1. 132 countries and regions have become tourist destinations for Chinese travelers;
2. 34.5 million Chinese traveled overseas last year and the number is growing by double digits annually, and "In 2007, the figure is likely to hit 40 million";
3. The United Nations World Tourism Organization has estimated that China will become the No 1 tourist destination and be the fourth largest outbound market by 2015;
4. US received between 30 million and 50 million tourists a year;
(Read full text of "US urged to open up to Chinese tourists".)

Until 04:00 GMT of March 22, 62 comments have been left either for or against the opening up of US and Canada to Chinese tourists, some of which are listed in the following table.And we are looking to your opinion over the issue.

Support Opening Up


David 2007-03-21 12:06
  As an American, i am completely for opening up the tourism industry to chinese. This way, Americans can know more about chinese and chinese can know more about americans. I think many of the problems that we have on this china daily blog are because of a lack of understanding. Tourism and globalization will bring our two people together, and we will soon realize that there aren't too many differences between us. As china develops, the problem with illegal immigration will stop. I know many chinese who would love to just visit the US , but not live there. This would be a great opportunity for them to learn and for those they meet on their journey to learn from them.

wilson2007-03-21 16:12
  It's so silly that the US still closes it's door to Chinese Tourists. Obviously it will benefit the American more. Hope the US government won't take Chinese as enemy but friend.

Richard F. 2007-03-21 23:06
  As an American who has visited China many times I agree that the USA should open the door for tourist. Since President Nixon opened the door in the 70's many Americans have had the pleasure of visiting China but we have not returned with an open door. 

Robert 2007-03-21 20:29
  I have had the opportunity to meet and become friends with many people in China . They are wonderful and very accomplished people! It is a complete mystery to me why we would not want to have them come here in great numbers. We have much to learn from them, just as they have much to learn from us. Our nations should be close friends--most Chinese still view us positively, but our closed minded attitudes are changing those opinions in China , as in many other parts of the World. It is too bad.

gary2007-03-21 20:14
  If the United States is designated as an official tourist destination, it would benifit the US more than China -- pumping a huge amount of money into the US each year. As for illegal immigrants, that's another story. If the US shuts its door, many still have ways to squeeze in.

leonard 2007-03-22 01:50
  I think the united states should open it doors to chinese tourist.I worked in china for two years,and made lots of true friends,that would very much like to see my country.Also it would benifit the country's culture on both sides.I was treated better in china than some places in the U.S.that i have visited.

Alex J. Mauric 2007-03-22 12:22
  As an American who has lived in China for 21 years I am all for the US to open up more for Chinese tourists. I have been in China since 1979 and have always been treated very well. I am an engineer who specializes in building steel mills. If the US opens up more maybe the Chinese will understand the western ways better. Besides, with the new found wealth today in China their money spends just as good as the Germans, French of Brisish.

Illegals 2007-03-21 09:23
  The problem is illegal immigration - if US opens up to all Chinese we will have a problem bigger than the current problem with the Mexicans. There needs to be a way to guarantee that tourists won't illegally stay in the country..... 

Ron 2007-03-21 17:00
  Let us stop 'beating around the bush'. The reason for U.S. denial to tourist groups is that half would not return. They would find entry jobs in the U.S. and make more in two months that they would all year. Many of the young have some knowledge of English,and briefly, will be fluent. American at the lower scale of employment would be subject to additional pressure from these undocumented persons. America today is brusting at the seams with undocument from Asia to S. America. If the home countries would provide the jobs, law, and more specifically Democracy...these talent youngters would not desire to immigrate abroad. Period.

Chris 2007-03-21 17:29
  The story says: "The country does not welcome too many tourists." He also called it "an arrogant country". This is obviously a guy who has never been to the US . Othewise he would find individual Americans very friendly and helpful. But China has to be realistic. There are thousands and thousands of Chinese who have gone to the US and disappeared to find underground work. With an election coming and illegal immigration a sore point with many voters, this would not be the time the US government would change the rules. Canada is the same. They welcome many Chinese, but there are many many stories of whole business or government delegations arriving in Vancouver or Toronto and then disappearing the next day. Most likely they are now washing dishes in New York .

Scooby 2007-03-21 18:30
  Terrorism and illegal immigration maybe be pertinent reasons for curbing Chinese tourist numbers but I think the real reason here is that of health and safety, if too many Chinese tourists come to China at any one time the amount of mucus deposited could cause major health and safety risks, streets awash with flem would become hazardous to walk on and stray spit could cause violent reactions from the gun touting natives. I applaud Americas sage immigration policy on this issue. 

Deleted 2007-03-21 20:03
  My previous comment was deleted, however it did not violate any of the rules. I will try to remember it. I have recently read many articles in China Daily about how the Chinese government is having to instruct its citizens on proper manners...I've never heard of the US or any other country giving such advice to their citizens prior to overseas travel. I constantly hear " China is a developing nation" from people here. Well, when China becomes a DEVELOPED nation, then she can expect to be treated as other developed nations. Until that time, don't expect to receive the same benefits. Unfortunately, the ignorant Chinese who display such behavior and/or who try to illegally stay in other countries longer than the visa allows are the ones who ruin it for the few honest people who really do want to see the world and experience something other than their own backyard...

Some other comments are:

Mick Xsays: Visit Australia. Chinese tourists are welcome here.

chinesesays: Maybe americans are worried about too many Chinese are rusing to America, and "disappear" there, posing pressure on the U.S. job market and soical security. It is up to "WE" to improve our behavior, at least illegal stay in any foreign country is a crime, I think. as many has said, a gradual opening, say giving 200,000 tourist visas a year, could help.

frenchsays: Visit France, please. Our door is open to you, Chinese.

Chensays: Mick X: The Australian government is recently experience large visa over stays from Chinese. And is now considering a more secure method to see that they do not come to Australia is mass.Australian working class people are suffereing from this illegal source.
Most have no idea about unionization, and will work for far less than the average Joe.

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