
From Chinese Press

ASEAN to explore internal coordination mechanism to promote peace

Updated: 2011-05-20 14:17
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The border clash between Thailand and Cambodia has fully exposed the hidden historical issues deeply rooted in the history of Southeast Asia. Troops from Thailand and Cambodia have continued to exchange fire for the sovereignty of an ancient temple and the 5 square kilometers of land nearby since February, leaving scores of soldiers dead, several hundred soldiers wounded and more than 100,000 civilians homeless. The clash has posed a rather difficult question for the integration of ASEAN.

The border clash between Thailand and Cambodia has both historical causes and realistic factors. Historically, Thailand and Cambodia once were both invaded by foreign powers and the current border dispute is just the border issues left over by colonial segregation in the past. Such hidden historical issues have not yet been settled effectively.

Objectively, disputes over sovereignty often lead to intense reactions within the political and social environment of the two countries and offer various interest groups the chance to enhance their political influence. The hidden historical issues will frequently arise when realistic politics are entangled with nationalist sentiments.

Although the border clashes between Thailand and Cambodia are unlikely to turn into a large-scale war, it does damage the foundation for mutual trust. Mutual trust is not only the most important pillar for the internal governance of the ASEAN but is also crucial to the credibility of ASEAN as it seeks to display its global influence. Therefore, the border clash between Thailand and Cambodia is an issue of not only the two sides but also all of ASEAN.

Since ASEAN was established in 1967, the number of its members has increased to 10 after more than 40 years of development. ASEAN not only carried out wide and deep cooperation among its own members in many areas, such as politics, economy and security, but also established the "10+3" mechanism with China, Japan and South Korea in many areas.

The role played by ASEAN on the international stage is becoming more important. Currently, the biggest challenge inside ASEAN is how to carry forward integration. ASEAN member countries have unbalanced levels of development, various nationalities and different religious beliefs. Their cultures, histories, political systems and social traditions are also not the same. Therefore, it is hard to carry out an internal integration. ASEAN lacks a coordination mechanism and its internal "discipline restriction" has not yet matured, and therefore, it still has a long way to go in its mechanism construction.

In order to heal the historical internal wounds, a long rehabilitation is needed. It is not practical to expect the sovereignty dispute between Thailand and Cambodia will be solved in a short time. However, it is quite possible that the dispute will be relieved and peace talks will be started. For this aim, politicians of both Thailand and Cambodia should show their bravery and wisdom of creating peace and ASEAN should play a strong coordination and promotion role.

In the Jakarta Summit held a short time ago, ASEAN members restated their aim of establishing the ASEAN Community in 2015. In order to realize this heroic ambition, ASEAN should carry out internal communication to create a peaceful atmosphere and give pressure to promote peace between Thailand and Cambodia. Promoting a peace settlement for the border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia is helpful for the establishment of ASEAN's internal coordination mechanism.
