
Opinion / From the Press

Strict GM testing and labeling

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-07-29 07:52

Transgenic food is concerned with public health. In the United States and some European countries, some genetically modified products have already proved detrimental to health; however, compared with the European Union's strict transgenic tests on imported foods, China lags far behind in the testing and supervising of transgenic food.

Lanzhou Morning Post, July 28

All GM products should have clear, unambiguous labels so that ordinary consumers can easily recognize them. As GM products have already entered the market with the debate over their safety still going on, the citizens' right to know must be protected so that they can decide whether to accept this controversial food. Shenzhen in Guangdong province has made a decisive step forward - by August 1, all GM bean products must have easily recognizable labels. We expect the whole nation to establish a compulsory labeling system for GM products through national legislation.

Xinhua Daily Telegraph, July 28

To prevent GM rice from spreading in China's rice fields, proper legislation work that emphasizes GM tests is necessary. The authorities must strengthen supervision so that GM seeds for research won't flow into the market without approval for commercial use; that's the only way of winning public trust on the issue.

Procuratorial Daily, July 28

It is the benign neglect of researchers and supervisors that has caused the rampancy of illegal GM products. Actually no one is demonizing GM foods, all we fear is people's right to know will be ignored, as even health might be put at risk without knowledge. Authorities need to offer a solution to stop illegal GM foods from entering the market.

njnews.cn, July 28

The scientists in charge are responsible for the fact that transgenic rice seeds flow into the market without approval. Actually, the farmers might not be fond of planting GM rice because they know almost nothing about it; if the intention is to popularize GM rice, its safety needs to be ensured and farmers told of the risks as well as promotors' potential profit.

Jiang Gaoming, a researcher at the Institute of Bontany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiaoxiang Morning Post, July 28

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