
Opinion / Opinion Line

'Sex video' is a serious violation of social norms

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-07-17 08:40

A "sex video" believed to have been recorded in a fitting room of a clothing store in Beijing's Sanlitun area has gone viral on social media after being posted online on July 14. Police have started an investigation into incident. Comments:

Irrespective of the reason it was recorded, the sex video has had a negative social impact and cannot be only derided or considered an abnormal pastime. Apart from finding out the motive behind the video, the couple involved and the person who posted it online should be punished, so as to prevent them, as well as others, from indulging in such acts again and challenging morality and the law. It is very important to maintain the social order in order to allow healthy values guide society and protect the healthy social atmosphere.

Southcn.com, July 16

The sex video filmed inside a fitting room and posted on the Internet may not have directly violated the law, but it definitely runs counter to established social conventions. If it is proved that the sex video was recorded and posted online with ill intentions, those involved can be charged with spreading pornography. But even if that does not happen, people should still not have tried to justify the incident just as a source of entertainment.

Beijing News, July 16

Instead of being seen as a violation of social norms and possibly the law, the fitting room scandal has become national entertainment news. On the surface, people seem to condemn personal attacks and the revelation of other individuals' private information on the Internet. But the very same people forget all about their principles, and wittingly or otherwise join the league of invisible online fun-seekers when it comes to prying into other's privacy. Therefore, predictably, such scandals will keep recurring if citizens' legitimate rights cannot be effectively protected and wrongdoings on the Internet go unpunished .

China Youth Daily, July 16

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