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科研經費管理改革(kēyán jīngfèi gu?nl? g?igé): Reform of scientific research fund administration

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-06-06 08:34

After Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang stressed the importance of scientific research at the national conference on scientific and technological innovation on May 30, the State Council, China's Cabinet, decided to improve the administration of scientific research projects funded by central finance at its executive meeting on Wednesday.

Reform will be propelled by delegating power, streamlining administration and optimizing government services in the scientific research field in order to promote scientific and technological innovation.

According to the meeting, the budget of scientific research projects funded by central finance will be further simplified. The ratio of expenditure on scientific research personnel in the overall budget will be increased on a large scale. Administration of scientific research personnel's traveling expenses will be decided according to their actual situation. Administration of purchasing scientific research instruments will be simplified. The central higher education and scientific research institutions will have more autonomy in infrastructure construction.

The upcoming measures mean that research funds will be granted under fewer administrative procedures and a more flexible way of using research funds is being encouraged so that researchers can focus on research and not be distracted by procedures.

China has 81 million science and technology workers. They are known as the "backbone" of the country's innovation-driven development strategy.

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