
WORLD> Europe
G20 protestors break into Royal Bank of Scotland
Updated: 2009-04-01 21:42

LONDON -- G20 protesters in downtown London have smashed windows and entered the Royal Bank of Scotland building. They have also tried to storm the Bank of England.

G20 protestors break into Royal Bank of Scotland
Police control protesters outside the Bank of England, during the G20 protests in the center of London Wednesday April 1, 2009. [Agencies]

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G20 protestors break into Royal Bank of Scotland G20 Financial Summit

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At least 4,000 protesters have jammed into London's financial district for demonstrations Wednesday. Protesters broke windows and scrawled the word "thieves" on the side of the Royal Bank of Scotland building.

Protesters were also pelting riot police with eggs and fruit and confronting them at barricades.

Earlier Wednesday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown and President Barack Obama held a news conference in London ahead of the Group of 20 summit being held Thursday. World leaders are gathering with hopes of resolving the global financial crisis.

Eight people have been arrested in the G20 demonstrations so far. There have been no reports of injuries.