

'Plan of Revitalizing Northeast China' released

Updated: 2007-12-20 13:43

Section V: Actively Develop Tertiary Industry

We must foster the development of tertiary industry by following market-orientation, expanding industrialization and encouraging socialized services. We must establish modern service system by relying on regional center cities, and capitalize on accelerated service trade transfer. The potential of absorbing labor by service industry should be released and let the industry play a pivotal role in job creation.

    5.1 Develop production-oriented services

First, we must make the development of modern logistics as a priority. Overall planning should be made to establish inter-provincial logistics centers and corridors. We must establish and improve information platform for logistics and distribution facilities, and promote the use of information technologies in business logistics management. We must speed up the construction of international logistics center in Dalian and regional logistics centers in Shenyang, Changchun, Haerbin and Tongliao, thus establishing an integrated logistics system in Northeast China.

Financial industries must be strengthened. We must cultivate a favorable environment for finance industry and enhance credit system. Urban commercial banks must go through reforms and restructuring and reforms of rural credit cooperatives must be deepened. We must promote the development of other financial entities, such as investment and trust companies, lending and releasing entities, and financial companies. We must encourage the development of social service entities which provide investment consulting, asset assessment, accounting and legal services, etc. We must enlarge pilot services in banks to offer loans SMEs and create a financial service system favorable to SMEs development. In addition, credit guarantee system in Northeast China must be improved and we must further support the development of insurance market and conduct researches on establishing companies dedicated to agricultural insurances and other specialized insurance services, and promote innovation of insurance varieties and ways of delivering services.

Development of commercial service industry must be accelerated. Investment and asset management services like project planning, financial consulting, merger and acquisition, and public listing, etc must be strengthened, and economic services like accounting, auditing, taxation, asset appraisal, calibration, test and commodities examination must be vigorously encouraged. We must support consulting services in market survey, engineering consulting, management consulting, credit services, etc and regulate legal services, such as lawyer system, notarization, legal aids, judicial expertise, economic arbitration, etc. In addition, structure and layout of conference and exhibition industry must be optimized and adjusted.

Furthermore, we will support the development of innovative cultural industries. We must step up support in specialized industrial designing industries through encouraging industrial R&D and designing consortiums in the Northeast region and we will actively develop entertaining industries, movie and TV making, arts, sports, publishing and advertising industries, etc. We must build state digital movie making bases and domestic animation making centers with Changchun and Dalian as core areas so as to foster the formation of innovative cultural industry clusters and promote export of cultural products.

    5.2 Standardize and improve services pertaining to people's life

We must promote progress in commercial services by encouraging diversified ownership structures and operating modes, retail sales that are reliable and readily accessible to residents, and catering services, etc. We must also encourage modern logistics and organizational forms such as chain-store operation, franchised management and logistics distribution, etc.

Tourism must be vigorously developed. We must leverage advantages in winter sports, forest, grassland, wetland, border areas, develop industrial and agricultural tourisms, create attractive tourism products, and develop top quality tourism programs related to forest, grassland, industrial and agriculture.

Column 5   Priorities of Tourism Development

Winter sports tourism: to build winter sports bases in Harbin province and Jilin provinces, etc. We must develop high-latitude skiing programs, mountain winter sports tourism and winter recreational programs.

Forest, steppe and wetland tourism: to give priorities to the development of forest tourism in Daxinganling Mountains and Xiaoxinganling Mountains, Changbai Mountain and eastern Liaoning Provinces, sight-seeing and folk tourism in the grasslands of Hulunbeier, Xilinguole, Keerqin, as well as wetland ecological tourism in Sanjiang Plain, Songnen Plain, downstream plain of Liao River, and Daxinganling Mountains, etc.

Volcano and hot spring tourism: with effective ecological protection, to actively develop programs such as volcano landform sight-seeing, volcanic lake sight-seeing, scientific expedition, mineral spring tourism and  leisure tourism, etc in Changbai Mountain of Jilin, Wudalianchi of Heilongjiang and Ar Mountain of Inner Mongolia.

Industrial tourism: to explore cultural legacies in old industrial bases which are most representative and are mirrors of regional development. Focuses will be on such tourism programs in Shenyang, Anshan, Changchun, Daqing and Qiqihar. Guidance will also be provided in developing such programs in resource-depleted cities.

Agricultural tourism: by relying on resources of modern agricultural production bases, set up agricultural demonstration parks, as well as villages and towns with distinctive features.

Cultural and historic tourism: to develop world renowned tourism programs with distinctive local cultural characteristics by core sites, such as Hongshan cultural heritage, Gaogouli relics, relics of Bohai country, “One palace and Three tombs” in Shenyang which are world cultural heritage under the protection of state.

Border tourism: to develop border tourism in key border cities, such as Dandong, Huichun, Suifenhe, Heihe, Manzhouli, and Erenhot, simplify custom clearance procedures and enrich contents in border tourism. 

Coastal tourism: to fully utilize coastal tourism resources, promote sight-seeing and leisure tourism in coastal areas.


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