

'Plan of Revitalizing Northeast China' released

Updated: 2007-12-20 13:43

Section VII: Enhance Economy Support Capability

We must strive to enhance education and talent training, build a sound social security system, strengthen ecological development and environment conservation, and optimize resource allocation, thus providing support and guarantee for regional development.

    7.1 Strengthen education and talent training

We must optimize the allocation of educational resources. We must keep reforming management system of higher education, expand and consolidate nine-year compulsory education program, actively develop vocational education and vocational training programs in diversified forms and accelerate training for talents with practical skills. We must provide technical training to laid-off workers and hold training for farmers to get practical skills. Training bases for high-skilled personnel and public practice centers of Northeast China must be established. We must integrate all sorts of educational resources and establish training bases for continuing education.

We must improve talent development mechanism. Reforms of personnel selection systems must be pushed forward based on open recruitment, position competition and fixed tenure system. We must formulate more flexible policies to attract talents and encourage them to start business in Northeast region. We must establish effective incentive mechanisms, such as making technologies, management as factors of production that could be considered in distribution. Public supporting services for talents must be improved and we must further establish comprehensive policies and regulations for talent training, introduction, utilization and management.

Moreover, we shall strengthen talent training and exchanges. We pledge to implement training programs and projects for high-level innovative talents and urgently needed professionals. Cadre exchange mechanisms among Northeast China, the central government and Southeast China must be improved. We must carry on exchange programs of entrepreneurs in Northeast enterprises under the management of central government. Barriers among different regions, industries and ownership structures must be removed to facilitate talent flow. Talent flow mechanisms and human resources market must be improved.

Column 9     Major Programs of Talent Development in Northeast China

Pairing exchange program of entrepreneurs: to send a number of excellent entrepreneurs selected from enterprises owned by central government in coastal regions to work in enterprises in the Northeast and vice versa.

High-level innovative talents training program: to help growth of young and middle-aged academic leaders in Northeast China by programs like “the new century national hundred, thousand and ten thousand talent projects”, “Cheung Kong scholars program” and “Innovative research team program in universities”, etc.

“Northeastern Spring” talent project: to train a number of academic leaders, key technicians and new industrial talents by relying on Chinese Academy of Sciences, which supports project-based research, on-job training of doctorate, and other training programs.

Project for training urgently needed professionals: to accelerate training of urgently-needed professionals in major industries of old industrial bases by relaying on universities and research institutes. The project may rely on  “985 project”, “211 project” and “Innovation project of graduate education”, etc.  

Skilled talent training project: to establish a number of skilled talent training bases with emphasis on training urgently-needed technical personnel in manufacturing and modern tertiary industry, under which 30 thousand new technicians each year and 200 killed personnel must be sent overseas for short, middle or long-term training.

Program for training farmers with practical skills: to train farmers and migrant workers in Northeast China by relying on projects like “Green certification program”, “New Science technologies training scheme for farmers” and “Sunshine Project” to train rural surplus labor for non –farming jobs.

    7.2 Enlarge employment and build a sound social security system

We will go all out to create employment. Development of labor-intensive industries, tertiary industries and SMEs of various ownership types must be encouraged. We will encourage people to seek job on their own and become self-employed. Government will reinforce its public responsibility to stimulate job creation and improve public employment service system. We must create enabling environment for rural migrant workers working in cities and actively help university graduates get employed. Employment-aiding system to the poor must be improved and job positions for public welfare must be explored. We will also strive to provide at least one job opportunity for family with no one employed.

Meanwhile, social security system must be improved. We must improve the new rural cooperative medical system and rural medical aiding system, gradually establish the minimum subsistence system in rural areas and explore to establish diverse rural pension and insurance systems in places where conditions permit. Systems of basic pension and medical insurance in urban areas, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance must be improved. We will gradually enlarge coverage and benefits, and elevate levels of contributions for social insurances. We will carry out serious measures to provide social security for migrant workers and farmers whose land has been expropriated or requisitioned.

    7.3 Strengthen ecological development and environmental conservation

We must do a good job in ecological development and environmental conservation in mining districts of resource-based cities. Specifically speaking, we must carry out comprehensive treatment of ecological environment in mining areas and strengthen the monitoring and supervision of exploitation activities in order to prevent occurrence of geologic disasters and build a sound ecological environment in resource-based cities. Relocation of residents living in mining-induced subsidence areas must be implemented in an earnest way and places with potential geological hazards, such as opencast pit, waste yard, waste dump, etc must be treated. We must also increase inputs in treating falling water level and Saline-Alkalized land triggered by oil exploitation, conduct the planning of land development and reclamation, and work into land reclamation of deserted mines.

Ecological development in key regions must be implemented in an earnest way. In particular, we must increase inputs in treating desertification and land degradation, carry on the work of forestation, grass-growing and protect natural forest and grassland. We must reinforce the treatment of soil erosion and implement a batch of key construction projects that are conducive to improving ecological environment and reversing environment deterioration.

Column 10   Priorities of Ecological Development in Northeast China

Treatment of Kerqin sandy land: to construct sand-blocking ecological belt, composite ecological shelter, and integrated forest-grass-pasture ecological economic system; to treat   declining sylvestris forest and establish small water-and-soil conservation and storage project in arid areas.

Treatment of sources of sandy wind in Beijing and Tianjin: to enclose desertification land and protect it, to nurture forest and grasses which are windbreakers and sand-binding, to harness grasslands, and implement migration programs for environment protection.

Comprehensive treatment of black soil area: to strengthen comprehensive treatment of soil erosion, improve the shelter forest system for farmland protection, restore vegetation in grassland, and improve fertility of black land and prevent nonpoint source pollution.

Protection and development of natural forest: to protect current forest, strengthen cultivation of forest resources and develop forest economy; to strengthen growth of succeeding industries, enhance comprehensive utilization of timber and its processing.

Pasture for grass in natural grasslands program: to push forward the project of pasture for grass project in key grass degradation zones of eastern Inner Mongolia and other places, strengthen the comprehensive treatment of problematic grasslands, transform the traditional grazing mode, construct high-yield artificial grassland and feeder bases, and implement confinement feeding.

Ecological restoration and treatment in mining districts: to combine engineering, biological measures and comprehensive utilization of waste to harness soil erosion, and  continue to implement restoration project in mining-induced subsistence areas and environmental protection project in mining mountains.

Wetland protection and restoration: should strengthen the protection of wetland resources and biological diversity in Sanjiang and Songnen plains, carry out pilot projects of wetland restoration, and implement resettlement project in wetlands.

Marine ecological protection: to strengthen the protection of marine resources, biological diversity and environment, and initiate pilot projects for marine ecological restoration.

Moreover, we must strengthen energy-saving, emission reduction and environment protection. In particular, we must push forward the water pollution prevention programs of Songhua River and Liao River, strengthen the protection and treatment of drinking water sources for large and medium sized cities with centralized water supply, enhance the rate of urban sewage treatment to above 70 percent and decontamination rate of urban refuse to above 60 percent, strengthen industrial pollution prevention, push forward the construction of desulfurization in power plants, elevate the rate of comprehensive use of industrial solid waste to above 60 percent and the rate of water recycling in industrial use to above 90 percent, and initiate environmental protection action program for the purpose of achieving rural moderately well-being.

Column 11   Priorities of Environmental Pollution Treatment in Northeast China

Protection and treatment of drinking water sources: to strictly define the protection zone for drinking water sources, improve environmental monitoring system for drinking water, publish water quality information on a regular basis, carry out pollution prevention in key drinking water sources, and prepare emergency response plan for potential pollution.

Water pollution control in Liao River valley: to push forward clean production, reduce further the total emission industrial waste, to accelerate the construction of urban sewage treatment plants and garbage treatment plant, advocate water recycling, and strengthen waste pollution in large scale fowl and livestock breeding industry, and actively eliminate agricultural nonpoint pollution.

Water pollution control in Songhua River valley: to strengthen industrial waste control, avoid serious accident, and accelerate pollution treatment facilities infrastructure urban areas

Regional air pollution control: to pay special attention to the desulfurization of coal-fired power plants and emission reduction of auto-exhaust. City clusters in central Liaoning province will be a key area. We will decompose the pollution control targets among different cities, strengthen industrial pollution prevention and control, and initiate relocation and transformation of heavy polluting businesses in densely populated urban areas.

We will actively promote recycling economy. Pilot project of enforcing recycling economy in businesses, industrial parks and governments must be initiated, with focus on energy, raw materials, equipment manufacturing and agricultural products processing industries. We must improve agricultural eco-environment by actively promoting eco-agricultural modes and technologies.

    7.4 Promote rational use of resources

We will strengthen land resources management. As required by the strictest basic farmland protection, we will prevent excessive growth of land used for construction and reinforce land redevelopment and consolidation of old city districts and deserted industrial sites. We will pay attention to integrated development of land used for construction. We will support land consolidation and reuse in deserted mining mountains, lands heavily salinized and coast beaches. Functional system for land purchase and reserve must be established and reinforced. We must standardize leasing system for land used for commercial activities, strengthen land property rights registration and land assets management, and make good arrangement for compensating farmers whose land has been expropriated or requisitioned.

We must optimize water resource allocation. We will strengthen the protection of drinking water sources and the construction of inter-regional water diversion project, build up capability for water resources allocation and urban water supply capacity, We will raise flood resistance capacity in cities, major towns and mining areas by accelerating projects to enhance waterproof improvement projects of medium-and-large reservoirs. We must formulate a reasonable plan in identifying the direction and priorities of water exploitation and achieve joint utilization of surface water, underground water and water channeled from other regions. We will spread the use of water-saving irrigation technologies, adopt comprehensive water-saving measures, build water-saving farms and pastures, and upgrade water-saving technologies in water-intensive industries such as thermal power, metallurgy and so on. We will raise water recycling rate in industrial use, extend the utilization of water-saving facilities in both urban and rural areas, enlarge the use of recycled water and try to raise the recycled water utilization rate to over 20 percent by the end of 11th Five-Year Plan period. We will set up and improve the distribution and transfer system of water rights and strengthen management system by combining water valley management and regional water resources management.

Column 12  Hydraulic Engineering Projects in Northeast China

Large water control and diversion projects: to complete the construction of water diversion project at Dahuofang reservoir, water control projects at Xishan reservoir and Laolongkou water conservancy project; to build water control and diversion project at Sanwan, and the second phase of water project at Taoshan reservoir, and water project at Qinglongshan reservoir; to complete preparation work for water projects as Hadashan hydrojunction, Jinling reservoir, water conservancy project at Bila river estuary, Qingshan reservoir, water transfer from Songhua River to supply city clusters Jilin province, from Nen River to Baicheng City, and water supply project in Dalian City and so on.

Irrigated area projects: to finish the expansion project of Nirji water conservancy project for diverting water from Nen river, and make preparation for projects in large irrigated area in Sanjiang, Songnen and Liao River plains and kick off these projects when time is ripe, etc.

Moreover, we will exploit ore resources in an orderly way, reinforce the coordinated planning of mineral resources survey and exploitation, step up certification and authorization management. Prospecting activities of oil and natural gas in Songnen Plain as well as nonferrous metals, precious metal, underground water and other important non-metal resources in Daxinganling Mountains, Xiaoxinganling Mountains, Changbai Mountain and other surrouding places will be more frequent. We will initiate pilot project in Wengquangou of Fengcheng City in Liaoning province for integrated development of iron-boron mine, raise the recovery rate and integrate utilization rate of mineral resources, push forward the recycling of industrial residue and tailing minerals, improve mineral resources development management system by allocating according to law the prospecting rights and exploiting rights. We must establish mineral rights trading system, improve exploration system with explorers paying at price and compensation mechanism for environmental restoration in mining areas.

Furthermore, we shall make rational use of forest and grassland resources. We must strengthen the protection of natural forests in Daxinganling Mountains, Xiaoxinganling Mountains, Changbai Mountain and scientifically renew resources of "Three North Shelterbelts" so as to ensure that forestry resources are growing faster than the amount reduced by felling. We must establish state strategic bases for timber reserve, make rational use of and protect natural pastures in Hulunbeier and Xilinguole, etc, prevent excessive grazing, and restore fertility and ecological functions of grasslands.

Last but not least, we shall protect and explore marine resources. We must actively develop marine oil and natural gas resources, thermal energy and sea water chemical resources. Excessive fishing near shore must be strictly prohibited and dynamic balance of biological resources must be kept. We must ensure that aquaculture development in shallow sea must not exceed sustaining capacity of marine environment, control the land reclaiming activities, and exercise treatment of coastal areas. Exploitation of marine sand must be restricted, and management of strand wetland, islands and marine natural reserves must be enhanced to maintain a sound ecological system in coastal area.


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