
2014巴西世界杯 > 世界大報FIFA版



2014-06-19 22:45:03





The Chile supporters celebrate during the World Cup Group B victory over Spain at the Maracan?. Photograph: Wang Yuguo/Rex


Olé! Olé olé olé! Chile! Chile! The Maracan? rang so loudly with snarky singing by the end that it felt as if it would take off and fly to Valparaíso, powered merely by voice. Spain has not been so cruelly humiliated since El Dorado was cancelled from British TV, its name so mocked since Manuel worked in Fawlty Towers, and the Chilean fans, who made up the overwhelming majority in the stadium, made sure they felt it.

"Olé! Olé olé olé!""智利!智利!"狂歡的歌聲和興奮的尖叫回蕩在馬拉卡納大球場(Arena Maracana)上空,僅僅是聲音就讓人感覺是快要降落在智利瓦爾帕萊索(Valparaiso)一樣。自從《埃爾多拉多》(El Dorado)被英國電視臺封殺后,自從曼紐爾為弗爾蒂旅館(Fawlty Towers)效力之后,西班牙隊這個名字已經沒有被如此羞辱過了??烧紦鲳^中絕大多數席位的智利球迷們,十分確信它們又找到了羞辱西班牙的感覺。

Yet despite the boom of the chants, winning the game seemed almost to calm them, soften down their earlier near hysterical excitement to simply delighted contentment.


Chile’s fans? Excited? If any member of the press was somehow unsure of the answer to this when arriving to watch the match, despite having walked through what felt like several miles of Chile fans and Chile flags to reach the stadium, the answer soon landed in their lap – literally so, in some cases. It was not quite another Chilean coup d’état but it was certainly a storming of the barricades when a few dozen Chile fans rushed past an overwhelmed security, knocking over gates, and ran into the press room, breaking a glass door and tearing down a partition on their way.


What were they protesting against? Fifa? Football? General injustice? None of these, it seemed. They just wanted to get into the stadium without a ticket. Truly, the revolutionary spirit lives in the Chilean breast. Security guards eventually pulled themselves together and, after a bit of kerfuffle, marched them out – but not before the entire scene had been eagerly vined, tweeted and instagrammed to bejesus by the world’s sports press.


It was almost enough to make one feel a little sorry for Fifa: the first real breach in security in this World Cup happened in the press room. Almost.


On the other hand, while the fans may not have been making any particular protest, they did leave behind one instructive lesson. Among the destruction they left in their wake in the press area there was a small pile of Crocs. Lesson: if you are going to go on a rampage, opt for footwear that stays on your feet.


In truth, the excitement had been building for some time. Three hours before kick-off it already felt like a Chilean street party outside the Maracan?. Fans sporting the Chilean flag, or at least images of it, around their shoulders, on their face, in their hair and – feel the pride, Salvador Allende, democracy lives! – on beer cups affixed to their heads, clustered in rowdy packs in the street and caused traffic pile-ups.


Fans marched up and down, pleading for tickets to the sold-out game. Bars all round the area were filled with Chile fans bursting into songs that, what they lacked in tune, they more than made up for in volume and sheer good cheer.


“Am I optimistic? Of course. We will win 2–0 for sure,” crowed Christian, with a triumphant swish of the Chilean flag about his shoulders.


“Did you see Spain lose in the last match? Ha! Chi Chi Chi LE LE LE!” chanted a chap sporting the aforementioned beer cups on either side of his head, who gave his name as “Chile Forever.”


At most of the matches so far there has been a heavy presence of Brazil’s yellow T-shirts among the crowd, locals happy to come to a match but still pointedly supporting the national team. But the prospect of a South American team beating the former champions overcame any sense of neighbourly rivalry.


“Of course I am supporting Chile. Normally, no, but it’s good to see Spain lose. Everyone always wants the champions to lose, no? And I want the World Cup to stay in South America,” said Leo, a Rio native but wearing the full Chile kit for this event.


A group of thirtysomething men wearing the Chilean flag as face paint turned out to be from New York. A woman wearing the Chilean flag as a minidress was from France. “You always support the underdog, no?” she asked rhetorically.


In fact, it was almost impossible to find any Spain fans, optimistic or otherwise, at all before the match, save for a cluster of young men in matador outfits who were attracting some requisite jeers. “I’m feeling good! I’m sure Spain will win,” said Gui Solzarno. “But to be honest, I don’t really care – I’m from Mexico.”

事實上,找到西班牙球迷的機會微乎其微,并且你還需要樂觀的看;不然不會在比賽開始之前,就有一群穿著斗牛士衣服的小伙子受到不少嘲笑。“我感覺很好!我確信西班牙會贏!”Gui Solzarno說,“但說實話我不是特別關心——因為我來自墨西哥。”

The old cliché goes that Brazil “bleeds football” and it certainly looked it in the Maracan?, with all the stands bathed in Spain’s and (mainly) Chile’s red shirts. The Canción Nacional was sung with such relish and basso profondo by Chile’s fans they nearly caused yet more damage to the press area by making it quiver.

說巴西是“血色足球”(bleed footall)或許是老生常談了,可在馬拉卡納就是這樣。所有的建筑都沐浴在西班牙和(主要是)智利的紅色球衣之中。智利球迷們津津有味的唱著男低音版的智利民族歌曲,他們激動得顫抖,差點制造了比對新聞中心更多的破壞。

The Marcha Real, by contrast, sounded downright pitiful. Beautiful things rarely have beautiful deaths and so it looked for Spain at that moment, surrounded by a full stadium of true and fair-weather Chile fans, come to watch them crash and boo them towards it.


And when that crash finally came, the stadium took off in flight.


(譯者:孫雋楠1102 編輯:王旭泉)




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