
2014巴西世界杯 > 精選雙語球評


Now, in 2014, it is because he is Italy's best hope of success at the World Cup.

西荷大戰現數百空座 或因球迷遇堵車

"It is unusual when something out of the ordinary like this takes place."


"That was two years ago, it's history. Then we were in very, very different circumstances to now."

西班牙慘遇滑鐵盧 失去其獨有特色是主因

Despite Spain taking the lead from the penalty spot, Netherlands equalised before half-time and then scored four unanswered goals after the break.

馬塞洛烏龍球 歐洲同名男模不幸躺槍

To all those hurling abuse at me for scoring an own goal, please re-direct your anger to @12MarceloV. Thank you


Four years on, and with Holland defeated that night, the balance has shifted a little.


The opening ceremony is totally flop... 2) Neymar should be sent off


We can now finally unveil the varying fame levels of the players taking part in the World Cup.


That has indeed been tried at international level by previous coaches such as Sergio Batista, but to little effect.


Or as former national team captain Roberto Perfumo once put it: “Winning against England is like school-kids beating the teachers.”


After telling her husband that he was simply mad, she accepted the ménage à trois and even took a few photographs of the intruder.


At the World Cup Brazil, nothing but lifting a first major international title as coach - and the country's fourth World Cup overall - will do.

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阿根廷加時賽1:0淘汰瑞士隊。賽后,阿根廷隊主教練薩維利亞表示,他不敢幻想與勁敵巴西對陣世界杯決賽。 >詳細>>

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