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“六一”獻禮:Forever young
[ 2006-05-30 10:30 ]

 本網小評 在清澈稚嫩的童音里,音樂初始的吉他聲是如此的干脆和利落,它似乎具有這么一種神力,能把一顆飄忽躁動的心撫慰的甚是純凈和透明;神奇的琴弦只那么輕輕一撥,就撥動出一絲絲憂郁、一點點追憶……

 推薦曲目1這支曲子一定得聽一聽,由原創Alphaville(“阿爾發村”合唱團)演繹的經典“Forever young”(《永遠年輕》) 。而且,在您聽完后,LT還等著您來評定出我們的“本網小評”是否真的有理可依。    記得到英語論壇“Easy English ”(休閑英語)里寫下您的感受哦

 推薦曲目2想一想,當一群乳臭未干、甚至連發音都有點含糊不清的小家伙,站在你面前和你稱兄道弟的時候,那會是什么感覺?他們這可不是搗蛋,而是在正兒八經為你歌唱!或許,正是這份認真勁兒,才讓大人越發感到好玩兒和搞趣。來聽一聽這張因翻唱而讓翻唱“風靡”的經典“We will rock you”,相信一定能博您開懷一笑!

 推薦曲目3對于這支曲子,想必因為那首《吉祥三寶》,您都已經耳熟能詳了。不過今天,在聽“Le papillon”(《蝴蝶》)之前,請先品摸一下這句話——We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today——或許,它可以幫您從歌中悟出一點點道理。



Forever young          by Various artists

Let's dance in style
Let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait
We're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best
But expecting the worst
Are you going to drop the bomb or not

Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power
But we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit
Life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men

Can you imagine
When this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders
We're getting in tune
The music's played by the madmen

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever
Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever young

Some are like water
Some are like the heat
Some are a melody and some are the beat
Sooner or later
They all will be gone
Why don't they stay young

It's so hard to get old without a cause
I don't want to perish like a fading horse
Youth's like diamonds in the sun
And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams swinging out of the blue
We'll let them come true

Forever young
I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever and ever

    Words and phrases

1.  in style:so as to cause admiration by being fashionable and spending a lot of money,由英文釋義,我們可看出in style有兩層涵義:“趕時髦、講氣派”,請看下面兩個例句:
** This year, short skirts are in style. 今年,短裙很流行。
** He is living in style. 他一向生活奢華。

在歌中,dance in style可以理解為“舞步時尚或流行”。

2.  Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst :其實這句話我們一點都不陌生,漢語中常說,“抱最大的希望,做最壞的打算”,其相應的英文表達就是:We'd better hope for the best, but expect the worst. 
3.  Are you going to drop the bomb or not
:這句牽涉到一點歷史背景,這首歌的原唱是Alphaville(阿爾發村合唱團),樂隊于1982年成立于西柏林,單曲“Forever young”發行于1984年。

源于冷戰,刻上鮮明時代印記的柏林墻建立于1961年,一堵墻,不僅隔開了資本主義和社會主義,還使很多柏林家庭分裂成兩半。這種狀況直至持續到1990年,伴隨著東西德的統一,柏林墻才不復存在。但在這之前的幾十年,有關柏林墻以及東德西德之間的故事卻充滿著“相互的敵對、相互的猜疑以及相互的思念”,無論是墻的東邊還是墻的西邊,人們從不懷疑戰爭隨時爆發的可能。所以這句“are you going to drop the bomb or not”體現了當時的時代特點——缺乏安全感的德國人多么渴望和平和統一。

4.  never say never :這是一句習慣用語,其英文釋義是nothing is impossible, anything can happen(沒有不可能的),請看例句:
Mary said Tom would never call her again, but I told her, "Never say never." 瑪麗說,湯姆再也不會給她打電話了,但我告訴她,“這是不可能的事兒”。

其實,漢語中我們常常掛在口邊的“有志者事竟成”,其內蘊的真諦就是“Never say never”。

在歌中,依據歌詞意境——個體的生殺大權掌握在上帝手中,或存在于冥冥中的未知——Never say never可以理解為“(我們雖無力違抗天意),卻決不愿放棄個體的努力來順從天意?!?

5.  swinging out of the blue :原意指from an unexpected or unforeseen source(出乎意料的、沒有想到或沒有預測到的”,如:criticism that came out of the blue(突如其來的批評)。

在歌中,out of the blue用來形容“遠方不可知的夢”,理解時可與席慕蓉《初相遇》中那句美麗的詩行相聯系——“美麗的夢和美麗的詩一樣,都是可遇不可求的,常常在最沒能料到的時刻里出現……”,所以,dreams swinging out of the blue可以翻譯為“未知的夢在遠方召喚”,譯文里為了上下句對應,省掉了“未知”。

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