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Desperate Housewives 1《絕望主婦》1(精講之七)
[ 2007-01-08 17:22 ]

文化面面觀  離婚在美國(guó)

我觀之我見  中國(guó)人有句老話叫“家丑不可外揚(yáng)”。Bree 忠實(shí)地實(shí)踐了這一點(diǎn)。

考考你  一展身手


Tom: Wow, honey, look, this place looks spotless!

Lynette: Thanks.

Tom: Listen, I have come up with this killer idea for the Spotless Scrub campaign.

Lynette: Great! You wanna run it by me?

Tom: No. I'm good. But, thanks.

Lynette: Okay.

Tom: Well, that's the thing. You know how whenever I pitch in the boardroom at work, how Kennesey always tears my ideas down in front of the partners?

Lynette: Yeah?

Tom: I invited the partners and their wives over so I could pitch to them here. And I thought we could make a formal dinner for six. We could sit, we could...

Lynette: And when exactly would this formal dinner take place?

Tom: Uh... day after tomorrow!

Lynette: Tom!

Tom: Yeah, I know, I know, I know, I know I know it's short notice.

Lynette: You think? How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning?

Tom: I don't know. Bree Van de Kamp does this kind of thing all the time...

Lynette: What did you say?

Tom: Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. That's - you know what, forget it. I'll call and I'll cancel. Don't worry about it.

Lynette: No, no. Let's, let's do it.

Tom: Really?

Lynette: Yeah, it's good for your career. I'll pull it off.

Tom: Yes. Honey, thank you. So much. You know what, I promise. I land this account, and I'm gonna buy you something awful pretty.

Mary Alice Young: Luckily for Tom, Lynette had a recipe for success... unfortunately for her, she was missing the secret ingredient.

Principal Stark: Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kamp. So, your son decided to entertain some of his friends yesterday by shoving a freshman's head into a locker.

Bree: This was the Johnson boy?

Principal Stark: Yes. He broke the boy's nose. Because of our no tolerance policy, your son may face expulsion.

Rex: You're going to ruin his whole future over a little rough housing?

Bree: Rex, this was practically assault.

Rex: Mrs. Stark, what Andrew did was clearly wrong, but in his defense, his mother and I are going through severe marital problems.

Bree: Is that relevant?

Rex: Our marriage is disintegrating. Of course Andrew is acting out. He has every right to be angry.

Bree: If Andrew is angry about you moving out of the house, then perhaps he should shove your head into a locker!

Rex: All I'm saying, is that we need to take some of the responsibility here.

Bree: So does Andrew! Blaming his actions on our problems...which are not so serious... does not help him.

Rex: Our problems are serious!

Bree: Mrs. Stark, you handle this however you see fit.

Rex: Bree, I've gone to an attorney. You're gonna to be served with divorce papers later today.

Bree: You went to an attorney?

Rex: Yeah! And a good one too!

Bree: Well he better be good, because when I'm finished with you, you won't have a cent to your name!

Rex: Bring it on!

Principal Stark: Perhaps detention is the way to go.

Susan: Hey, Edie!

Edie: Wow! Get a load of you! You look so pretty. I hardly recognize you.

Susan: Oh this? Well, I have a date. Right now. With Mike. We kissed. FYI. Ooo, love that jacket. Good choice.

Mike: Um, look, Susan, I'm really sorry, but I've got to cancel. I have an -unexpected house guest.

Kendra: Coming through! Oh, sorry. Hi, I'm Kendra.

Susan: Susan.

Kendra: I'm gonna run to the car and get my stuff.

Mike: I know how this looks, but there is nothing between us. Kendra is just an old friend.

Susan: Old friend?

Mike: Yeah, you know...

Susan: Yeah. Yeah. No, actually no, I don't know. So, by old friend, do you mean college pal, bowling buddy, saved you from drowning?

Mike: It's hard to explain.

Susan: Could you give it a shot?

Kendra: Mike, I'm going to go upstairs and take a shower.

Mike: Look, I promise, I'll make this up to you. And you look... amazing.

Kendra (calling from inside): Mike, where are the towels?

Susan: Thanks.

Edie: Hey, how was your big date?

Susan: Mike had to reschedule.

Edie: Oh. Because of the hot girl? With the suitcase? Over there? Gosh, how devastating for you. FYI.


1. pitch in

“To set to work vigorously. 努力/使勁投入工作”。比如:If I really pitch in, I may be able to finish the paper before the deadline. 如果我確實(shí)努力工作的話,我應(yīng)該可以在截止日期前完成論文。

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