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The devil wears Prada 《時尚女魔頭》(精講之五)
[ 2007-03-14 15:22 ]

影片對白  That's your answer for everything lately, "I didn't have a choice." Like this job was forced on you. Like you don't make these decisions yourself .

我觀之我見  很多時候,我們做事情都說自己是“別無選擇”,似乎我們是被環境逼迫的受害者,然而不要忘了,決定都是我們自己做出來的;在我們以為別無選擇的時候,我們恰恰是做了取舍的,我們是責無旁貸的。

考考你  一展身手


3. Pole dancing

Pole dancing is a form of dancing/gymnastics that takes muscular endurance and coordination as well as sensuality. It involves dancing sensually with a vertical pole and is often used in strip clubs and gentlemen's clubs. 然而,現在鋼管舞正在成為一種流行的健身趨勢,深受一些女性歡迎。同時,那些過去常在夜總會中跳鋼管舞的女郎也開始流入上層社會的健身房。

4. Own up (to)

“坦白地承認,供認”的意思,例如:The writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting.
當own up 后面要加"承認的事情"時,需要叫上 to,例如:No one owned up to taking the money.


時尚大師 Jean-Paul Gaultier

該怎么形容Jean Paul Gaultier 的風格?頑皮、趣味、狂放不羈,都有一些但似乎不夠貼切,最多人用來形容他的還是“恐怖”。

Enfants-Terribles”(恐怖之子),時尚界的人這么稱呼著Jean Paul Gaultier

Jean-Paul Gaultier (born April 24 1952, in Arcueil, Val-de-Marne) is a French fashion designer and past television presenter.

Gaultier never received formal training as a designer. Instead, he started sending sketches to famous couture stylists at an early age. Pierre Cardin was impressed by his talent and hired him as an assistant in 1970.

His first individual collection was released in 1976 and his characteristic irreverent style dates from 1981, and he has long been known as the enfant terrible (bad boy) of French fashion. Many of Gaultier's following collections have been based on street wear, focusing on popular culture, whereas others, particularly his Haute Couture collections, are very formal yet at the same time unusual and playful. Jean-Paul Gaultier produced sculptured costumes for Madonna during the nineties and has also worked in close collboration with Wolford Hosiery. He promoted the use of skirts, especially kilts on men's wardrobe, and the release of designer collections. Gaultier caused shock by using unconventional models for his exhibitions, like older men and full-figured women, pierced and heavily tattooed models, and by playing with traditional gender roles in the shows. This granted him both criticism and enormous popularity.

Gaultier also designed the wardrobe of many motion pictures, including Luc Besson's The Fifth Element, Pedro Almodóvar's Kika, Peter Greenaway's The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, and Jean-Pierre Jeunet's La Cité des enfants perdus (The City of Lost Children). Madonna's Blond Ambition Tour (including the iconic cone bra) also featured his creations. He currently designs for three collections: his own couture and ready-to-wear lines, as well as the newly relaunched clothing line for Hermès, a French leather goods company well-known for their equestrian background, scarves, and expensive and difficult to obtain handbags. Most recently, Jean-Paul Gaultier designed Madonna's wardrobe for her 2006 Confessions Tour, continuing their long-standing relationship.

Jean Paul Gaultier's bread exhibit, Paris, 2004.

Gaultier has also designed a number of the costumes and outfits worn by rocker Marilyn Manson,[1] including the outfits for Manson's Golden Age of Grotesque album.[2] He's also well-known for his exhibit in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art known as Bravehearts - Men in Skirts.

Jean-Paul Gaultier is also known for a popular line of perfumes. His first fragrance, Classique, a women's floral-oriental, was introduced in 1993, followed by Le M?le for men two years later. Both were highly successful, and Le M?le is now the number-one men's fragrance in the European Union based on sales; it also holds a strong market position in Australia and the United States. His third fragrance, the women's fragrance Fragile, was introduced in 2000; however, it is now in limited distribution due to poor sales. In 2005, the unisex "fragrance for humanity" Gaultier? (pronounced Gaultier to the power of two) was launched (except in Canada, where it was launched in January 2006, and the United States, where it was launched in August 2006). A new men's fragrance, Fleur du Male, will be launched worldwide in April 2007. All Jean-Paul Gaultier perfumes are produced under a long-term license by Paris-based Beaute Prestige International, a division of the Japanese company Shiseido that also produces fragrances for Narciso Rodriguez and Issey Miyake.

Gaultier also co-presented the first six series of Eurotrash.

Gaultier also dabbled with music, releasing the house new-beat hit How To Do That in 1989.

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