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Hot Words
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動員投票 get-out-the-vote
政府注資 pump priming
軟環境 soft environment
糧食最低收購價 crops' minimum purchase prices
保八 Eight Percent Protection
以人為本 Put People First
農民企業家 Farmer-turned-entrepreneur
窗口指導 window guidance
下崗再就業 Re-employment after being laid off
登記失業率 registered unemployment rate
擴大內需 propel/expand domestic demand
分組討論 panel discussion
城鄉差距 rural-urban divide
基本醫療保險 basic medical insurance
家電下鄉Home appliances going to the countryside
中小型企業 SMEs
教育公平 Equal Access to Education
“兩會”熱詞 Popular words
"三農"Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area
農村留守人口 Rural Left-Behind Population

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