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Famous Books Made Into Movies

中國日報網(wǎng) 2015-04-23 09:00



When asked about how many books have been published throughout history, no expert can give a definite answer for this question. True enough to say that to be included in the list of popular books is a priceless honor and of course a transitory blaze of glory to the authors. What more can we expect when by virtue of popularity a book is adapted on the wide screen? Here's a sneak of ten popular books which film makers set eyes on:

《魔戒》 (1954)


The Lord of the Rings, a three volume fantasy adventure epic authored by J.R.R. Tolkien has acquired what is in all truth a justified air of victory as it is the second best selling novel ever written with over 150 million copies sold. This highly praised novel is a cliff hanging trilogy, namely, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and the Return of the King. It elicits an indulgent escape from reality and takes the readers to the fictitious world of Middle Earth. Indulgently mindset to destroy the One Ring the weapon of evil, Frodo Baggins, the young hobbit vigilantly surpasses all the terrifying obstacles and dark forces. The One Ring is bound to be returned to Mordor, the only place where it can be destroyed; unfortunately this place is also the Dark Lords lair. The search is a never-ending maze as the One Ring has the mind power to transfer from one owner to another and the Dark Lords wrath continues to destroy the Middle-Earth. Not surprisingly, Frodos quest is a treacherous labyrinth which doesn't throw even a few crumbs of comfort.
《魔戒》,三卷奇幻史詩巨著,作者是享有盛譽的J.R.R. 托爾金(J.R.R. Tolkien),因為他的作品銷量已達(dá)一億五千萬本,位列世界暢銷書籍第二名。這部頗負(fù)盛名的小說有三卷,即《魔戒首部曲?護(hù)戒同盟》( The Fellowship of the Ring),《魔戒二部曲?雙塔奇兵》(The Two Towers)和《魔戒三部曲?王者歸來》(Return of the King)。這部書的內(nèi)容引人入勝,帶領(lǐng)讀者進(jìn)入虛構(gòu)的中土世界。為了毀滅邪惡的法器至尊魔戒(One Ring),年輕的霍比特人佛羅多·巴金斯(Frodo Baggins)沖破了層層阻礙和黑暗的力量。至尊魔戒必須被送到唯一可以毀滅它的地方——魔多(Mordor),但不幸的是,魔多是黑暗君王的領(lǐng)地。搜尋之路漫漫,似是永無盡頭,因為至尊魔戒有自己的意志,從一個人的手中流轉(zhuǎn)至下一個主人的手上。而黑暗君王的暴怒也讓中土世界不再安寧。毫無意外,主角佛羅多選擇的是一條毫無一絲安逸可言的艱苦之途。


《初戀的回憶》 (1950)


Nicholas Sparks had to write to divert his depression and pity for his sister, who is dying from cancer, hence the absolutely romantic novel, A Walk to Remember was born. Driven by emotion, A Walk to Remember conveys giving in to destiny and holding on to the test of faith, hope and love. Landon Carter, an aimless, moody, and stunning hunk in Beaufont High departs from his glamorous world for the girl he is least likely to fall for, the last person he would choose to date and the girl who is totally his opposite. Call it fate or destiny, Landon was left with no option but to seek Jamies helpful hands, the chance that triggered the breath-taking realization that this guy who makes use of his looks to cope in school is irresistibly in love with the girl he once called old fashioned. Loving Jamie took him worlds away from the world he used to know, yet he lets the love take him worlds away. Not until, Jamie had to give in to destiny, they both need to face the twist of fate, tear drenched but they need to be strong and cling to their only hope.
尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯(Nicholas Sparks )創(chuàng)作這部作品時,妹妹身患癌癥并將不久于人世,他創(chuàng)作是為了讓自己從那種沮喪和憐惜的情緒中抽離出來,結(jié)果,這部徹底的浪漫小說——《初戀的回憶》就誕生了。基于這樣的情感,這本書表達(dá)了對命運的無可奈何和對信仰的堅守,以及愛與希望的主題。書中的蘭頓·卡特(Landon Carter),是波弗特高中一個吊兒郎當(dāng)胸?zé)o大志的帥氣少年,為了一個他最無可能為之傾心的女孩脫離了以前的生活,這個女孩曾被他認(rèn)為是他的對立面,是怎么也不會考慮的約會對象。然而,就如同冥冥中的定數(shù),蘭頓別無選擇,只好尋求杰米(Jamies)的幫助,這次的際遇導(dǎo)致讓人瞠目的事情成真,那個靠臉就可以橫行學(xué)校的男孩愛上了曾被他鄙視為土氣的女孩。充滿愛的杰米讓蘭頓看到了另一個他不知道的世界,這樣的愛感化了他。而杰米也不得不聽從命運的安排,和蘭頓一起面對命運的變故,盡管淚如雨下也要變得堅強,堅守住唯一的希望。


3: BEASTLY (2006)
《野獸男孩》 (2006)


Who doesn't know the fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast? For the sake of modernity, Alex Finn wrote a new version of this tale focusing on the beasts perspective which she entitled Beastly. Transformation this word would push readers to take grips to discover in this timely piece. Kyle Kingsbury- tall, blonde, rich and handsome son of Manhattan News anchor; Lindy Owen- a plain girl with red hair, green eyes and crooked teeth and the daughter of a drug lord; Kendra Hilferty the witch who was disgraced and punished to work as a servant in New York City; the blind tutor and his dog. Behold! Their lives are intertwined with all bewitching, amazing and mysterious unforgettable occurrences to create the reminiscent of the beast. Beastly, though this creature appears, has a heart that grieves and repents and a love that is pure. Unfortunately this heart and love are boxed in the beasts new found world.
美女與野獸的童話故事家喻戶曉,亞歷克斯·芬恩(Alex Finn)以野獸的視角創(chuàng)作了新的現(xiàn)代版本,她將其命名為《野獸男孩》。改造變形這個詞讓讀者迅速抓住這個故事的內(nèi)容。文中的人物眾多,凱爾·金斯巴瑞(Kyle Kingsbury)是一個曼哈頓新聞主播的兒子,一頭金發(fā),個子很高,富有且英俊;林迪·歐文(Lindy Owen)是一個紅發(fā)綠眸的平凡女孩,她的牙齒不大整齊,是一個毒梟的女兒;肯德拉·海芙蒂(Kendra Hilferty )是紐約一個被罰做仆人的女巫;還有眼盲的家庭教師和他的狗。看,他們的生活是如此的復(fù)雜,充斥著魔法,靈異和不可思議的難忘事件,讓人聯(lián)想起美女與野獸中的野獸。野獸男孩,擁有動物的外形,卻有著一顆人類之心,充滿了悲傷、悔恨和純粹的愛,卻不幸被拘在了野獸的軀殼中。


《辛德勒的名單》 (1952)


In the midst of brutality from the death camps in the NAZI occupied Poland, Mr. Oskar Schindler outrageously risked his life and rescued more than 1,100 Jews. This heroic deed of Mr. Schindler inspired Thomas Keneally to recollect the true story from the real survivors of the Holocaust and from Mr. Oskar chandler himself and to condense every single detail in the documentary novel entitled Shcindler's List or more commonly known as Schindler's Ark among the British. A significant part of history unfolds in each chapter. Each page reveals the lamentations and sufferings of the Jews who were tortured by the horrible iron hands of the unmerciful German troops. In between the torments, rises the flamboyant, German profiteer and womanizer Schindler in favor of the Jews. No guns, no armory, no troops, he won and saved thousands of lives. This documentary novel unravels Mr. Schindler's sublime effort and innate confidence: an overdose of rare and precious principles that uncaps his bottled virtue.
二戰(zhàn)期間,德國納粹在波蘭建立了死亡集中營,在這一片哀鴻中,奧斯卡·辛德勒(Oskar Schindler )冒著生命危險拯救了1100多個猶太人。辛德勒先生的英雄事跡促使托馬斯·肯尼利(Thomas Keneally )創(chuàng)作出此書。根據(jù)大屠殺幸存者講述的真實事跡和辛德勒本人的敘述,將每個細(xì)節(jié)壓縮到這本紀(jì)實小說中。小說的名字是《辛德勒的名單》,在英國,也被稱為《辛德勒的方舟》(Schindler's Ark)。書中的每一章節(jié)都揭開了那段歷史。書里的每一頁都昭示了耶米利哀歌和在殘酷的德國軍隊高壓鐵腕下掙扎的猶太人民。而風(fēng)流高貴的德國投機商人辛德勒則幫助了猶太人,沒有槍支軍隊,他卻挽救了上千條生命。這部紀(jì)實小說向世人展示了辛德勒先生的偉大壯舉,值得每個人向他的品格致敬。




A novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett "The Secret Garden" depicts the childlike adventures of Mary Lennox, a rich, spoiled, unaffectionate and unwanted British young girl who was abandoned in their house in India. Being left alone she has to live with her uncle in England, the very place where Mary explores the unknown. This girl experiences an irresistible invitation to discover two big secrets in the house where she lives. What lies behind the locked gate? Who weeps behind the locked door? The revelation of these secrets opens up a whole, new and colorful world yet elicits brand new secrets to keep.
弗朗西絲·霍奇森·伯內(nèi)(Frances Hodgson Burnett)的小說《秘密花園》描述了一個名叫瑪麗·倫諾克斯( Mary Lennox)的小女孩的天真冒險。瑪麗是一個被寵壞又缺乏愛心的英國富家小姑娘,她被遺棄在印度的一所房子里,只好去和英格蘭的叔叔同住,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個未知的奇妙之地。這個女孩收到了一個極為誘人的邀請,去發(fā)現(xiàn)她居住的房子里的兩個驚天大秘密。在那扇門之后隱藏著什么?是誰在那扇門背后哭泣?這些秘密被解開之后,一個完整嶄新的多彩世界在等著她,而一個新的秘密也即將開啟。

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