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The Simpsons movie《辛普森一家》精講之二
[ 2008-01-23 15:40 ]


文化面面觀  Never Nervous Pervis & Bono

考考你   一展身手




Bart: You know, we are on the roof. We could have some fun.

Homer: What kind of fun?

Bart: How about a dare contest?

Homer: That sounds fun. I dare you to climb the TV antenna!

Bart: Piece of cake.

Homer: Earthquake! Aftershock!

Flanders: Homer, I don't mean to be a Nervous Pervis but if he falls, couldn’t that make your boy a paraplege arino?

Homer: Shut up, Flanders.

Bart: Yeah, shut up, Flanders.

Homer: Well said, boy. Steady. Steady. Steady.

Lisa: Hello. Sorry to bother you on a Sunday but I'm sure you're as worried about the pollution in Lake Springfield as I am. Lake Springfield has higher levels of mercury than ev--

Woman: Why, it's the little girl who saved my cat.

Lisa: Lake Springfield --

Millhouse: Come on over, Lisa. You can canvass me as long as you want.

Lisa: Milhous, you don't care about the environment.

Millhouse: Hey. I am very passionate about the planet.

Boy: Say global warming is a myth.

Millhouse: It's a myth! Further study is needed!

Boy: That's for selling out your beliefs.

Lisa: Oh, poor Milhous.

Millhouse: Dream coming true.

Colin: Are you aware that a leaky faucet can waste over--?

Lisa: Two thousand gallons a year.

Colin: And turning off lights can save—

Lisa: Enough energy to power Pittsburgh.

Colin: And if we kept our thermostats at 68 in winter--

Lisa: We'd be free from our dependency on foreign oil in 17 years.

Colin: I'm Colin.

Lisa: I haven't seen you at school.

Colin: Just moved from Ireland. My dad's a musician.

Lisa: Is he--

Colin: He's not Bono.

Lisa: I just thought, because you're Irish and—

Colin: He's not Bono.

Lisa: Do you play?

Colin: Just piano, guitar, trumpet, drums and bass.

Lisa: He's pure gold, for once in your life, be cool.

Colin: So is your name as pretty as your face?


1. Dare contest

這是一個比試膽量的游戲,既然是游戲,常常是一些令人為難的、有時甚至愚蠢的題目。真心話大冒險的游戲大家都知道吧,英文里就是 Truth or Dare。

2. Paraplege

這不是標準英語,Flanders 不知道這個詞應該怎么發音,就說了個近似的,正確的詞應該是paraplegic,意思是“半身不遂,癱瘓”。

3. Leaky faucet



文化面面觀  Never Nervous Pervis & Bono

考考你   一展身手

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