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American pie 2《美國派》2精講之二
[ 2008-03-19 16:55 ]


文化面面觀  Giacomo Jacopo Girolamo Casanova 卡薩諾瓦

考考你   一展身手





Stifler: Ozzy! My man!

Oz: There he is.

Stifler: Shake off your chains of monogamy. You're a free man.

Oz: I don't think so, Stifler. You know I'll never turn over to the dark side.

Stifler: Dumb ass. What happened to the nova I knew in high school?

Oz: Nova, as in Casanova? The guy who had all the moves? Yeah, he was an idiot.

Stifler: Yeah, but he was my idiot. Hey, everyone! Listen up! Nova's back, baby! And he's taking the locks off his cock! Ozzy, I'mlobbing you a softball here. Pull out your bat and take a swing. Mandy. This is my friend Oz. All-state lacrosse three years in a row.

Mandy: Hey, Oz.

Oz: Hi, Mandy. How are you? Listen, I have a girlfriend. It was a pleasure meeting you. Beer out back.


1. shake off

Shake off 的意思就是“free oneself or get rid of something or someone 擺脫某事/某人”,例如:I've had a hard time shaking off this cold. 治好這場感冒讓我很費勁。 She forged ahead, shaking off all the other runners. 她穩步向前,擺脫了所有其他賽跑者。

2. turn over to the dark side

從字面上就可以看出來,這個片語的意思是“投向黑暗的/不好的那一邊”,比如:You know John will never turn over to the dark side; he is completely loyal to me. 你知道約翰永遠也不可能投向那一邊的,他完全忠于我。

3. lob one a softball

這是個比喻,字面意思是“向某人擊出一個球”,比喻“向某人拋出難題”,比如:Talon News "reporter" lobs Bush another softball; is Talon a news organization or an arm of the Republican Party?

4. Beer out back

這是一句非常簡潔的表達,意思是I’m out to take some beer and back later。在日常交際中,口語是注重簡潔的,常會省略掉一些不影響意思的詞。


文化面面觀  Giacomo Jacopo Girolamo Casanova 卡薩諾瓦

考考你   一展身手

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