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Out of class early: college in three years
[ 2009-07-29 15:52 ]


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Idea gets more attention, but time saved may not mean tuition saved in earning a bachelor's degree.

This is the VOA Special English Education Report.

The last time the United States Education Department asked young people how long they took to finish college was in 2001. 57 percent graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in four years. 39 percent took five years.

Out of class early: college in three years

And what about the others, the remaining four percent? They did it in three years. To some people, that is a smart idea.

In February, Senator Lamar Alexander warned higher education leaders that they risk rejection unless they lower the cost of attending college. The Republican senator is a former education secretary and former president of the University of Tennessee. He suggested offering a three-year bachelor's degree that would save money as well as time.

Many students can already graduate in three years. They take bigger class loads and classes in the summer. And they have college credit from passing Advanced Placement tests in high school. A.P. credits can mean fewer required classes.

Others who want to graduate in three years must pay for the same education as four-year students, but in a shorter period of time.

Three-year graduates, though, can enter the job market sooner. That adds another year of wages to their lifetime earnings.

In 2005, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, began a program called "Degree in Three." Students take full loads of classes, including two or three summers.

Cindy Marini, assistant director of academic advising, says 28 programs currently offer a bachelor's degree in three years. These include business and nursing. As of March, about 50 of the eighteen thousand students at Ball State were taking part in the Degree in Three program.

Students in the three-year program at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, take more classes each semester than the other students. But the cost for a year is the same for all, more than fifty thousand dollars.

Bryan McNulty, the communications director, says Bates has offered a three-year bachelor's degree since the 1960s. But he says only one or two students usually choose it each year, and no one did in the graduating class in May.

Still, other schools are preparing their own programs. These include Hartwick College in New York State and the University of Houston-Victoria in Texas. And lawmakers in Rhode Island are considering a bill that would require state schools to offer the choice of a three-year degree.

And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. I'm Steve Ember.

Advanced Placement test: 大學先修課程考試,俗稱AP測驗。學生只要通過任何一科的AP測驗,例如AP物理測驗,即可跳過大一或大二的課程,直接上大二或大三第一學期的物理學科。參加AP測驗的學生,如果成績優異,也可省掉一到兩年的選課時間,只需花三年的時間就可讀完大學,同時也省了學費。

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(Source: VOA 英語點津編輯)

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