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[ 2009-11-23 16:29 ]





Ron: Hermione. I'm here in a minute.

Hermione: Will you stop eating? Your best friend is missing.

Ron: Why won't you turn around, you lunatic?

Girl: He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?

Ron: Looks like it's his own this time.

Hermione: Where have you been? What happened to your face?

Harry: Later. What did I miss?

Ron: The Sorting Hat says we ought to be brave and strong in these trouble times. Easy for it to say, though. It's a hat, isn't it?

Dumbledore: Very best of evenings to you all. First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff. Horace Slughorn. Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape. As you know, each and every one of you were searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man, who like you, sat in this very hall. Walked this castle's corridors. Slept under it's roof. You see, to all the world, a student like any other. His name, Tom Riddle. Today of course, is known all over the world by another name. Which is why as I stand, looking out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute, perhaps dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, that greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about. Now off to bed, beep beep.


Ron: That was cheerful.

Teacher: History of Magic is upstairs, ladies, not down. Mr. Davis, Mr. Davis, that is the girls' lavatory. Potter.

Harry: Oh, this can't be good.

Teacher: Enjoying ourselves, are we?

Harry: I had a free period this morning, Professor.

Teacher: So I noticed. I would think you would want to fill it with Potions.Or is it no longer your ambition to become an Auror?

Harry: Well, it was, but I was told to have to get an Outstanding in my O.W.L.

Teacher: So you did, when Professor Snape was teaching Potions. However, Professor Slughorn's perfectly happy to accept N.E.W.T. students with "Exceeds Expectations".

Harry: Brilliant, um... Well, I'll head there straight away.

Teacher: Oh, good, good. Potter, take Weasley with you. He looks far too happy over there.

Ron: I don't want to take Potions. There's Quidditch trials coming up, I need to practice.

Slughorn: Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all plan. Harry, my boy, I've been beginning to worry. You brought someone with us, I see.

Harry: Ron Weasley, sir.

Ron: But I'm dead awful at Potions. A menace, actually so. I'm probably just gonna...

Slughorn: Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out.

Harry: I'm sorry, sir, I haven't actually got my book yet and nor is Ron.

Slughorn: Not to worry, get what you want from the cupboard. Now as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be? Yes, Miss...?

Granger: Granger, sir. That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth-telling serum. And that one. It's terribly tricky to make. This is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. For example, I smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and...spearmint toothpaste.

Slughorn: Now Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible, but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. lunatic: 荒唐可笑的,極其愚蠢的。例如:You're driving on the wrong side of the road, you lunatic!(你現(xiàn)在是逆行開車, 你這個蠢材!)而lunatic asylum則是指“精神病院”。

2. easy for it to say: 說得容易。這句話也可以說成是easy for you to say。

3. first off: 首先,立刻。例如:First off, let's see how much it'll cost.(首先, 讓我們看看要花多少錢。)

4. all the world: 所有的人。例如:All the world knows their secret.(人人都知道他們的秘密。)

5. look out: 檢查,留神。在此處指“搜查”。為了防止出現(xiàn)意外,鄧不利多下令在學生們進入魔法學校時對他們進行了搜查。例如:FBI is on the look out for the agent these days.(這些天聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局正在監(jiān)視那個特工。)

6. sobering: 使清醒的,使冷靜的。例如:The bad news had a sobering effect on all of us.(對我們大家來說, 這個壞消息是發(fā)人深省的。)

7. dark force: 黑暗勢力。

8.free period: 自習課,空課時。Period在此處指“課時”。例如:What’s the next period?(下節(jié)課是什么課?)

9. straight away: 馬上,立刻。例如:She guessed the answer straight away.(她馬上就猜中了答案。)

10.Quidditch trial: 魁地奇比賽。 “魁地奇”是只存在于魔法世界中的由巫師參加的球類比賽。跟普通比賽一樣,它在被看臺包圍的球場上進行,參賽者分兩隊騎著飛天掃帚在空中飛行對抗,每隊七人,各有一名守門員、三名追球手、兩個擊球手和一名找球手。

11.dead: 完全地,絕對地。例如:He was dead asleep.(他酣然大睡。)

12.love potion: 春藥,媚藥。

13.infatuation: 癡迷,醉心。例如:This is only a passing infatuation, not to be taken too seriously. 這僅僅是一時的戀情,不必過于認真。



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