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The Hurt Locker《拆彈部隊》精講之六

[ 2010-03-26 10:47]     字號 [] [] []  
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James: Here, man. Have a hit.

Sanborn: I'm not ready to die, James.

James: Well, you're not going to die out here, bro.

Sanborn: Another two inches. Shrapnel zings by, slices my throat. I bleed out like a pig in the sand. Nobody'll give a shit. I mean, my parents'll care, but they don't count, man, Who else? I don't even have a son.

James: Well, you're going to have plenty of time for that, amigo.

Sanborn: Naw, man.

Sanborn: You know?

Sanborn: I'm done, I want a son, I want a little boy, Will. I mean, how do you do it, you know? Take the risk?

James: I don't know, I just...I guess I don't think about it.

Sanborn: But you realize every time you suit up, every time we go out it's life or death. You roll the dice and you deal with it. You recognize that, don't you?

James: Yeah. Yeah, I do. But I don't know why. Yeah. I don't know, JT. You know why I am the way I am?

Sanborn: Naw, I don't.

James: Wow! You did some shopping.

Ex-wife of James: Yeah.

James: I got some soda. We done?

Ex-wife of James: You want to go get us some cereal and I'll meet you at the checkout?

James: Okay, cereal. Where? Some guy drove his truck to the middle of an Iraqi market, starts passing out free candies. All the kids coming running up, the families stuff. He detonates. They're saying 59 are dead. You know they need more bomb techs.

Ex-wife of James: You want to chop those up for me?

James: Boing, boing, boing. Yeah. You love playing with that. You love playing with all your stuffed animals. You love your mommy, your daddy, your nature pajamas. You love everything, don't you? Yeah. You know what, buddy? Once you get older, some of the things that you love might not seem so special anymore. Like your Jack In The Box, maybe you realize it's just a piece of tin and a stuffed animal and then you forget the few things you really love, and by the time you get to my age maybe it's only one or two things. With me I think it's one.

Soldier: Welcome to Delta Company.

James: Sergeant.

妙語佳句 活學活用

1. out here: (老遠)到這里。


get out here: 少來了。

out of here: 正在離去之際,即將離開。

hang out here: 呆在這兒。

2. shrapnel: 榴散彈。

3. zing by: 呼嘯而過。Zing在這里表示“呼嘯疾行”。

4. amigo: 朋友,源于西班牙語。

5. Naw: 俚語,表示“不,不是”。

6. roll the dice:擲骰子。在這里有“孤注一擲、下賭注”的意思。

7. checkout: (超級市場的)付款臺,付款處。

此外,check out還可以表示“在旅館結賬離開”,與之相對的則是check in(登記入住)。例如:Be there an express check out service?(有沒有快速退房手續的服務?)

8. chop up: 切碎。


chop in:插話,例如:He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.(他突然插進一句諷刺的話。)

chop and change: 變化無常;反覆變換。


9. stuffed animal:在這里指“毛絨玩具”,也可以稱為“soft toy”。

10.company: 連,連隊。



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