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Paris Jewel Heist 巴黎首飾搶劫案
[ 2009-07-08 13:20 ]

Paris Jewel Heist 巴黎首飾搶劫案 

Some of the jewellery recovered by French police


Background: 法國警方逮捕了與法國歷來最大一起首飾搶劫案有關的25名嫌犯。這期發生在去年12月份的持械搶劫案中有四名男子,其中兩人男伴女裝。這伙人從著名的香榭麗榭大街旁邊的哈里溫斯頓店里盜竊的首飾價值達一億美元。

Questions: 請在聽下面錄音的時候試著回答這些問題。這是一個用來幫助你提高聽力技能的練習。

1. Did the suspects have weapons?

2. Why were the intermediaries in Paris when the arrests were made?

3. What kind of weapons did the thieves use?

4. Do police believe the Pink Panthers were involved in this heist?

Paris Jewel Heist 巴黎首飾搶劫案

Police made the arrests in two separate swoops in Paris and its northern suburbs. They also found one and a quarter million Euros in cash as well as a quantity of arms.

It seems they had obtained information that intermediaries carrying some of the stolen jewels had come back to France with the intention of selling them.

The heist at the Harry Winston store on the luxury Avenue Montaigne was among the most daring and certainly the biggest jewel theft in French history.

Two of the four man gang were dressed as stylish women. They pulled out revolvers and made off with the store's entire contents.

Police think there must have been an inside connection and among those who've been arrested is a guard at the store.

It's believed the suspects have links to the Paris underworld and are not therefore members of the international gang known as the Pink Panthers which has been blamed for scores of jewellery thefts in some twenty different countries in recent years.

GLOSSARY 詞匯表 (收聽發音, 請單擊英語單詞)


1. Did the suspects have weapons?

Yes, police found arms when they made the swoops.

2. Why were the intermediaries in Paris when the arrests were made?

It's believed the intermediaries had come back to France with the intention of selling the jewels.

3. What kind of weapons did the thieves use?

The gang of thieves used revolvers, which are a type of gun.

4. Do police believe the Pink Panthers were involved in this heist?

It's believed the suspects were not members of the Pink Panthers.

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