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Armless piano player 無臂鋼琴家勇奪冠軍
[ 2010-10-11 17:34 ]


賽后的新聞發(fā)布會上,劉偉說:“相信奇跡。在這個舞臺上,我感受到了生命的尊嚴和力量?!笨倹Q賽上,壓軸出場的劉偉以“神秘園”的鋼琴曲搭配流行勁歌《You're Beautiful》,兩種不同的風(fēng)格融合為一,再一次讓觀眾贊嘆這位無臂青年的才藝和堅強的精神,劉偉也又一次在達人舞臺說出了他個人的標(biāo)志性語句:“至少我還有一雙完美的腿?!?/p>

Armless Piano Player Moves 'China's Got Talent' Audience to Tears

Armless piano player 無臂鋼琴家勇奪冠軍
Click for Liu Wei's performance
Susan Boyle did it in England with her voice and now Liu Wei is wowing audiences in China with his ability to play the piano with his toes.

Liu Wei was only 10 years old when both his arms were electrocuted while playing a game of hide-and- seek in China.

Both limbs were amputated and although initially he was distraught about his condition, he soon realized he had a choice to make.

"For people like me, there were only two options. One was to abandon all dreams, which would lead to a quick, hopeless death. The other was to struggle without arms to live an outstanding life," says Liu, now 23.

His dream was to be a pianist and his outstanding life includes an appearance on China's Got Talent and an unforgettable performance playing the soulful "Marriage D'amour" with his two feet on the piano.

Of course, contestants overcoming adversity is a frequent subtext of talent showcases, but Wei's accomplishment is extraordinary.

Armless piano player 無臂鋼琴家勇奪冠軍

He told judges that teaching himself to play piano with his feet was "hard" and that he endured cramps and abrasions, but he also says his mother inspired him and he wanted to make his parents proud.

Even watching it on YouTube, you cannot believe that Liu is able to play so seamlessly, expertly and movingly using only his toes. The stunned audience, many in tears, rose to a standing ovation at the conclusion of his performance. The judges called Wei "a reached man" and bowed in respect to his achievement.




Hit the trail 兒子的“計算器”

Life is the greatest teacher 生活是最偉大的老師

(來源:譯言網(wǎng)  編輯:Julie)


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