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[ 2009-12-25 13:42 ]

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(Official preview of Avatar, Source: mtime.com)

James Cameron's Avatar takes place on a planet called Pandora, where American corporations and their military mercenaries have set up bases to mine a surpassingly precious mineral called unobtanium. The vein of awe mined by the movie is nothing short of unbelievium. This is a new way of coming to your senses -- put those 3-D glasses on your face and you come to a sense of delight that quickly gives way to a sense of astonishment. The planetary high doesn't last. The closer the story comes to a lumbering parable of colonialist aggression in the jungles of an extragalactic Vietnam, the more the enchantment fizzles. Much of the time, though, you're transfixed by the beauty of a spectacle that seems all of a piece. Special effects have been abolished, in effect, since the whole thing is so special.


The word "avatar" wasn't invented by Mr. Cameron, though everything else in the production seems to have been. (With the help, that is, of a few thousand colleagues around our own planet.) In Hindu myth, an avatar is a deity descended to earth in human form. In computer parlance it's an icon that represents a person in virtual reality or cyberspace. In the movie it's a manufactured body that's remotely controlled -- not by some hand-held clicker but through brain waves generated by a human being who functions as the body's driver.


《阿凡達》影評:真實的虛幻<IMG src=" style="WIDTH: 500px; HEIGHT: 280px" title="">

If this sounds technobabbly in the description, it's dazzling in the execution. The main driver-to-be -- or, rather, animating spirit-to-be -- is an ex-Marine, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) whose combat injuries have left him confined to a wheelchair. He's part of a scientific program run by a tough cookie named Grace Augustine; she's played by Sigourney Weaver. The program has begun to explore Pandora, whose atmosphere is toxic to earthlings, using avatars with recombinant DNA -- part human, part alien -- constructed along the lines of the planet's dominant species; they're very tall, very blue, Giacometti-slender and Superman-agile. The movie offers several lyrical passages, but one of the best belongs to Jake. It's when he inhabits his avatar for the first time and discovers that his new legs can take his lithe new body through some of the most sublime scenery on not-Earth.

這聽上去感覺是枯燥的技術(shù),但體現(xiàn)在銀幕上則讓人目眩神迷。那具身體的駕駛員──或者說那具身體的靈魂──是一個退役海軍陸戰(zhàn)隊員杰克?薩利(Jake Sully,薩姆?沃辛頓Sam Worthington飾演)。他在以前的戰(zhàn)斗中負傷,只能被困在輪椅上。杰克參加了一個科研項目,負責(zé)人是一個名叫格雷絲?奧古斯?。℅race Augustine,西格妮?韋弗Sigourney Weaver飾演)的女強人。該項目開始了對潘多拉星的探索,但這個星球的空氣對人類有毒,因此只能使用以人類DNA與外星生物DNA合成的阿凡達。阿凡達的身體克隆了潘多拉星的主流種族,一種身材高大的藍色類人生物,擁有瑞士超現(xiàn)實主義雕塑家賈柯梅蒂(Giacomett)作品中的那種優(yōu)美線條,還有如同超人一般的敏捷身手。影片中有幾段如歌如泣般的動人場景,其中最美的一段當(dāng)屬杰克。當(dāng)他第一次控制阿凡達時,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己新的雙腿可以帶著這具輕快的新身體穿越潘多拉這個外星星球最壯麗的大好河山。

No description of that scenery will spoil the experience of the 3-D process (which dispenses with the usual eye-catching tricks) or the seamless integration of live action, motion-capture, animation, computer-generated images and whatever other techniques went into the mix -- maybe witchcraft or black magic. (I haven't seen the IMAX version; that's for my next viewing.) Some of the flora suggest an anhydrous Great Barrier Reef (airborne jellyfish, coral-colored conical plants that spiral down to almost-nothingness when touched) or, in the case of Pandora's floating mountains, represent an homage to the Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki. As for the fauna, they're not only prodigiously varied -- flamboyant dragons, six-legged steeds, elephantine chargers with heads like battering rams, nature-blue in tooth and claw -- but creatures with convincing lives of their own, unlike the cheerfully bizarre creations that filled the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars.

再怎么用文字形容,都無法比擬3D影像所呈現(xiàn)出來的絢麗恢宏,3D影像根本無須通常那些吸引觀眾眼球的視覺小把戲。將種種特效天衣無縫地融為一體──擬真感、動作捕捉、動畫效果、虛擬人物制作以及各種各樣的技術(shù)元素──這簡直就是巫術(shù)或黑魔法。(我還沒看過IMAX的版本,這是我接下來的觀影計劃。)影片中的一些植物景觀就像是沒有水的大堡礁(在空中飛翔的水母,用手一碰就會旋轉(zhuǎn)并幾乎化為虛無的珊瑚色圓錐型植物),潘多拉星那些漂浮的山脈,彷佛是在向日本動畫大師宮崎駿致敬。潘多拉星的動物種群異常豐富,耀眼的龍,六條腿的馬,有著藍色牙齒和爪子、頭像個大槌的笨重動物等等,而且這些動物擁有各自的生活習(xí)性,彷佛真的存在一樣,不像電影《星球大戰(zhàn)》里的那個莫斯?艾斯雷 (Mos Eisley)酒吧,里頭都是一些奇形怪狀的搞笑外星生物。

Then there are the indigenes, the French term for natives being appropriate because Pandora evokes the Indochina that existed before France's doomed war against an indigenous insurgency, as well as the Vietnam that became a battleground for American troops. They're called the Na'vi, and to describe them as humanoid may be to defame them, inasmuch as they, unlike most of the film's Americans, revere their planet and live in harmony with their surroundings. The most beautiful of the Na'vis -- at least the one with the most obvious star quality -- is a female warrior named Neytiri. As most of our planet already knows from the publicity, Jake falls for her in a big but complicated way.


Big because Neytiri, as played by Zoe Saldana, is so alluring -- cerulean-skinned, lemon-eyed, wasp-waisted, long-tailed, anvil-nosed, wiggly-eared (trust me, it's all seductive) and given to feral snarls in the heat of battle. But complicated because Jake is secretly working both sides of the jungle. He's in love with Neytiri, and soon embraces her people's values. (Yes, there's circumstantial evidence that Mr. Cameron knows about "Dances With Wolves," along with "Tarzan," "Green Mansions," "Frankenstein," "Princess Mononoke," "South Pacific," "Spartacus" and "Top Gun.") At the same time, Jake is spying for a gimlet-eyed military commander, Col. Miles Quaritch. (Stephen Lang proves that broad, cartoony acting can also be good acting.) The evil colonel has promised the ex-Marine a procedure that will restore the use of his paralyzed legs in exchange for information that will help chase the Na'vi from their sacred land, which happens to be the only place where unobtainium can be obtained.

難以自拔是因為佐伊?薩爾達娜(Zoe Saldana)飾演的內(nèi)提莉風(fēng)情萬種──天藍色的肌膚、檸檬般的眼睛、黃蜂一樣的細腰、長長的尾巴、鐵鉆般的鼻梁、會扭動的耳朵(相信我,這些都很迷人),還有戰(zhàn)斗時發(fā)出的那種兇猛吼叫。復(fù)雜莫名是因為杰克是一個行走于無間道的地下工作者。他和內(nèi)提莉相愛,很快就接受了她族人的價值觀。(沒錯,有間接證據(jù)表明,導(dǎo)演卡梅隆看過《與狼共舞》、《人猿泰山》、《綠廈》、《科學(xué)怪人》、《幽靈公主》、《南太平洋》、《斯巴達克斯》和《壯志凌云》等影片。)與此同時,杰克在為一個目光銳利的指揮官米爾斯?夸里奇(Miles Quaritch)上校刺探情報。(飾演該角色的斯蒂芬?郎(Stephen Lang)證明,廣義的卡通式表演也能展示優(yōu)秀的演技。)邪惡的上校答應(yīng)杰克,只要找到能將Na'vi人趕出其圣地的情報,就可以替杰克治好癱瘓的雙腿。Na'vi人的圣地正好是唯一出產(chǎn)珍稀礦物元素unobtainium的地方。

It's no reflection on Mr. Worthington or Ms. Saldana, both of whom are impressive -- though how, exactly, do you judge such high-tech hybrid performances? -- that their interspecies love story lacks the heat of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet clinging to each other on the storm-swept decks of "Titanic." Teenage girls will not return to see this film half a dozen times or more unless they possess a rogue gene for wigglable ears. But then "Avatar" revises the relationship between everyone in the audience and the characters on screen. Actors have always been avatars; they've always represented our hopes and fears in the virtual reality of motion pictures. In much of this film, however, they've been transformed by technology into a new and ambiguous breed of entertainment icon -- not the quasihuman denizens of "The Wizard of Oz," or the overgrown glove puppets of "The Polar Express," but nearly palpable fantasy figures that inhabit a world just beyond our reach.


The fantasy quotient of "Avatar" takes its first major hit when the Na'vi take their first hit from the American military. Mr. Cameron has devoted a significant chunk of his movie to a dark, didactic and altogether horrific evocation of Vietnam, complete with napalm, Agent Orange and helicopter gunships (one of which is named Valkyrie in a tip of the helmet to "Apocalypse Now.") Whatever one may think of the politics of this antiwar section, two things can be said with certainty: it provokes an adrenaline rush (what that says of our species is another matter), and it feels a lot better when it's over.

《阿凡達》的迷幻特質(zhì)給觀眾帶來的首次視覺沖擊始于美國士兵向Na'vi人打響的第一槍。導(dǎo)演卡梅隆在影片中用很大篇幅表現(xiàn)了黑暗、恐怖而富有寓意的戰(zhàn)爭場景,讓人想起越戰(zhàn)。片中既有凝固汽油彈和橙劑(Agent Orange)化學(xué)品,又有武裝直升機的肆虐掃射(其中一架直升機名為女武神(Valkyri),靈感來自《現(xiàn)代啟示錄》(Apocalypse Now)中主角在瓦格納的“Valkyries”曲下,將彈藥源源不斷地向越南人的陣地上掃射與轟炸的經(jīng)典鏡頭)。不管觀眾對這段反戰(zhàn)思想濃厚的部分怎么想,有兩件事情是肯定的:一是場面讓人熱血沸騰(至于這反映出我們這個種族存在什么問題,我就不在這里討論了),二是場景結(jié)束后給人一種如釋重負的感覺。

Other narrative problems intrude. For all its political correctness about the goodness of the Na'vis, "Avatar" lapses into lurid savage rituals, complete with jungle drums, that would not have seemed out of place in the first "King Kong." While Ms. Weaver's performance is a strong one, it isn't clear what her character is doing as an avatar, or how the Na'vi perceive her. What couldn't be clearer, though, is that Mr. Cameron's singular vision has upped the ante for filmed entertainment, and given us a travelogue unlike any other. I wouldn't want to live on Pandora, mainly because of the bad air, but I'm glad to have paid it a visit.



金球獎提名揭曉 《懸而未決》領(lǐng)跑

卡梅隆宣傳《阿凡達》 哈里路亞山原型來自黃山


(來源:新東方英語論壇  編輯:Julie)

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