
Numbers and Info
  • Registration of pets belonging to overseas nationals living in China


    A valid official rabies vaccination certificate issued by the authorities of the country of origin. (According to Chinese law, the vaccination is valid for a period of one year from the vaccination date, and the pet must be vaccinated 30 days prior its arrival in China).

  • Useful information


    The currency in China is known as the renminbi or yuan. It is not a freely convertible currency, but its value has been allowed to rise and fall within a wider range in recent years, with an official exchange rate of 6.78 yuan for $1 on July 21, 2010

  • Communications


    International calls can be made directly from hotel rooms with IDD lines. Some large post offices also offer this service.

  • Numbers


    You can call 110 for police, 120 for ambulance services, and 114 for directory inquiries.

  • Bank info


    This guide is written based on services at the Bank of China. Other banks may be different (but are likely to be generally similar).

  • Handling emergencies


    Dial 110 for police and 119 for firefighters’ help.

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Changsha seeks to revive porcelain production

In recent years, the local government has sought to revive the region's long tradition in porcelain making and boost local industry with the cultural influence of ancient Tongguan kilns, which have a history of 1,200 years.

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