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China Daily Website


Rural China 10: The next ten years

Updated: 2012-02-23 08:51
By D J Clark (chinadaily.com.cn)

In the last episode of the Rural China series, China Daily reporter D J Clark visits villagers in Qinghai province to find out how the recently announced Chinese rural development policy, that will guide developments for the next ten years, meets the needs of some of China's poorest communities.

The village of Duowa sits on the slopes of a deep dusty gorge. Here the promised developments of a new road, access to new schools in the county town, health insurance, pensions, tap water in every home and support for new agricultural technologies have all been met but not all are without controversy as D J Clark discovers.

Rural China 10: The next ten years

Also see a slideshow

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Snow & mountains

Part 3: Growing benefits

Part 4: A new education

Part 5: A road to prosperity

Part 6: Spring Festival return

Part 7: A tap in every home

Part 8: Investing in health

Part 9: Securing the future

Part 10: The next ten years

Click here for the vBook Rural China

By D J Clark

Logistics: Tsemdo

Animation: Xu Jiye

Producer: Flora Yue


See more videos at:D J Clark's Video Column

Rural China 10: The next ten years

About D J Clark

D J Clark has worked worldwide as a multimedia journalist for more than 20 years. As well as working for China Daily he runs an MA course in Multimedia journalism at Beijing Foreign Studies University and is the Director of Visual Journalism at the Asia Center for Journalism in Manila, Philippines.
