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Are you a real man? The top 50 things every chap should know

中國日報(bào)網(wǎng) 2015-02-16 11:18




How to change a tyre, his personal alcohol limits and basic DIY are all on the list of essential man facts, according to researchers.

Researchers have unveiled a list of 50 things every "real" man should know - including wiring a plug, knowing the offside rule, and how to interpret what a woman means.

A study of 2,000 adults and found every man should also know how to wet shave, polish his shoes and give a confident handshake.

He should also be able to identify which wires are "live", "earth" and "neutral" in a plug, be confident explaining the offside rule and know the difference between ale and lager.

The research, which was commissioned by William Hill, found additionally a man should know his wedding anniversary without having to pause to think.
威廉·希爾(William Hill)率領(lǐng)的研究團(tuán)隊(duì)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),除了上述內(nèi)容,一個(gè)男人還應(yīng)能不假思索地說出他的結(jié)婚周年紀(jì)念日。

He should also be able to name the last three England football managers and always know what his other half drinks.

Which way is north, where the car's spare tyre is kept and how much fuel you have left when the petrol light comes on also made the top 50 list.

The study also revealed that when a man hears a woman claim "she's fine" - he should be astute enough to realise she's far from fine.

Other essential things to know in life were basic DIY, laundry and even map reading skills appeared in the 50 man facts, while acing parallel parking and driving in snow were also necessities.

Sporting a well-knotted tie, being able to introduce himself confidently and also knowing his own alcohol limits are still important qualities for a man to be familiar with.

And the cave-man qualities are still well regarded - knowing how to start a camp fire, carve meat properly and light a barbecue all appear in the list.

Nearly half the men studied (47 per cent) felt they weren't up to scratch based on the number of the 50 things they were able to tick off.

In fact, just 46 per cent felt they could consider themselves a 'manly' man.

And a panicked fifth of men have faked their way through a conversation about football, pretending to know things they didn't or having opinions on teams they really had no clue about- all in a bid to not seem non-sporty.

Top 50 things you should know to be a real man

1. His wedding anniversary date
?? 結(jié)婚周年紀(jì)念日

2. Basic DIY
?? 基本的DIY常識(shí)

3. How to change a light bulb
?? 如何換燈泡

4. How to tie up a tie
?? 如何系領(lǐng)帶

5. How to read a map
?? 怎么看地圖

6. His partner's favourite drink
?? 另一半喜歡的飲料

7. How to iron a shirt
?? 如何熨燙襯衫

8. How to change a tyre
?? 如何更換輪胎

9. How to wet shave correctly
?? 正確用刀片剃須的方法

10. The right amount of aftershave to use
??? 使用適量的剃須后潤膚露

11. How to change a fuse
??? 如何換保險(xiǎn)絲

12. When a woman says "I'm fine" she is not fine
??? 一個(gè)女人說“她很好”時(shí)其實(shí)她并不好

13. How to put up a shelf
??? 如何組裝架子

14. How to polish his shoes
??? 怎樣清理鞋子

15. How to give a confident handshake
??? 如何充滿自信地握手

16. How many inches are in a foot
??? 一英尺是多少英寸

17. When to accept defeat and apologise
??? 什么時(shí)候應(yīng)接受失敗并道歉

18. Know the offside rule
??? 了解足球越位規(guī)則

19. The year England won the World Cup
??? 英格蘭贏得世界杯是哪一年

20. How to do his own laundry
??? 如何洗自己的衣服

21. How to fix a bike puncture
??? 懂得如何修理爆胎的自行車

22. How to jumpstart a car
??? 如何用跨接引線連接其他車的電池和自己車的電池,從而啟動(dòng)汽車

23. How to parallel park
??? 如何平行泊車

24. The difference between ale and lager
??? 麥芽酒和貯藏啤酒的區(qū)別

25. The best way to carve meat
??? 切肉的最佳方法

26. His own height
??? 自己的身高

27. How to drive in snow
??? 如何在雪天駕車

28. What wires represent earth, live and neutral
??? 哪些是通電電線、接地線和中性線

29. How to introduce himself
??? 如何介紹自己

30. His parents' address
??? 父母的地址

31. What the football scores were at the weekend
??? 周末的足球比賽比分是多少

32. How to light a BBQ
??? 如何在戶外生火燒烤

33. When a woman says "Do what you want" do not do what you want
??? 女人對你說“做你想做的”,不要真的做你想做的事

34. How to change oil
??? 如何更換機(jī)油

35. What the biggest recent football transfers are
??? 最近最大的足球轉(zhuǎn)會(huì)事件是什么

36. How to build a fire
??? 如何生火

37. Which way is North
??? 哪邊是北面

38. How to use the contents of the toolbox
??? 如何使用工具箱里的工具

39. How to tune in a telly
??? 如何給電視調(diào)音

40. How many miles are left after the petrol light appears
??? 當(dāng)汽油提示燈亮起來后,汽車還能開多少英里

41. How to fix a toilet
??? 如何修理廁所

42. How to put someone in a recovery position
??? 如何讓某人重拾好心情

43. His personal alcohol limits
??? 自己的酒量

44. Change a battery on a car
??? 更換汽車電池

45. How to get a car unstuck
??? 如何修理失靈的汽車

46. The words to the national anthem
??? 國歌的歌詞

47. How to change a nappy
??? 如何換尿布

48. How to perform CPR
??? 如何進(jìn)行心肺復(fù)蘇術(shù)(CPR)

49. How to put up a tent
??? 如何搭建帳篷

50. Who are favourites to win the Premier League
??? 稱霸(英國足球)超級聯(lián)賽的熱門球隊(duì)是哪支


ale: 麥芽酒
lager: (美)貯藏啤酒(=lager beer)
astute: 機(jī)敏的
tick off: 列舉
aftershave: (剃須后搽的)潤膚劑(或潤膚液)
puncture: 爆胎
nappy: 尿布

(譯者:hyylf 編輯:丁一)



















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