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[ 2007-10-10 10:56 ]


文化面面觀   英國足球賽制

我觀之我見   這是一部勵志電影,相信觀眾們都能看得激情澎湃。即使只為了在電影中曇花一現的至少十位球星,這部電影也值得一看。

考考你   小試牛刀



Commentator: Here comes Harris. And a goal. It's Harris. It's a dream start for Newcastle. And what a way to answer his critics.

Man: Goal! Goal!

Player: Come on.

Voice: Number ten, Gavin Harris.

Commentator: Referee has given the foul. Free kick to Liverpool. And they've taken it quickly. It's a corner. A free header. Liverpool are level. 1-1.

Voice: Goal-scorer for Liverpool, number 25, Igor Biscan.

Commentator: Newcastle has given the ball away yet again. Into Baros. He's got a chance to shoot here. Oh, it's in. Liverpool lead. 2-1. They've conceded two goals in quick succession without reply. That's a devastating blow for Newcastle. Now, can they come back from it?

Commentator: So, here we go. Second half, with Liverpool firmly in the driving seat. And that second goal has really knocked the stuffing out of the fans. Oh, it's a great chance for Gerrard. Oh, so close. Had that gone in, it would have been "Good night, Newcastle." Now it's Munez. The youngster's got some great skill. Trying a give-and-go here with Alan Shearer.

Gavin: Give it. Give it.

Dornhelm: Come on, pass. Pass.

Commentator: It's a goal. It is 2-2.

Barry: You beauty.

Commentator: The Great effort that’s by Newcastle. But remember, if it stays like this, it will still be Liverpool in Europe next season. Only three minutes to go now and Newcastle are running out of time. They've got to try and find a winner from somewhere.

Player: Back, come on.

Harmision: Come on, come on, come on.

Man: Go on, son. Have a poke.

Santiago: Let go.

Commentator: Free kick here, in a very dangerous area.

Crowd: Get him off. Took him down. Give him a card.

Commentator: Well a real chance for Newcastle, this. But who's going to take it?

Gavin: Hey, Santi. It's yours.

Commentator: I hope they know what they're doing. It's young Santiago Munez who’s stepping up, with only seconds left to play. And he must feel that the hopes of an entire city are resting on his shoulders.

Harmision: Come on, come on, come on.

Harmision’s mother: And I thought you didn't even like football.

Harmision: I know.

Commentator: Unbelievable. Newcastle's newest and youngest player gives the fans a brand-new song to sing.


1. Foul


2. Free kick


3. Header


4. Be in the driving seat

這個片語的意思是“to be in control of a situation 掌有局面的控制權”,例如:The consumer is in the driving seat due to the huge range of goods on the market.

5. Knock the stuffing out of

這個片語也寫作 beat / lick the hell / living daylights / shit / tar out of,意思是“Administer a merciless beating to; also, defeat soundly”,例如:The coach said he'd like to beat the living daylights out of the vandals who damaged the gym floor.

Bob knocked the stuffing out of that bully.

He swore he'd beat the tar out of anyone who tried to stop him.

6. Step up

“走出來,走上前來”的意思,例如:Step up to the podium, folks, and I'll show you how it works.


文化面面觀   英國足球賽制

我觀之我見   這是一部勵志電影,相信觀眾們都能看得激情澎湃。即使只為了在電影中曇花一現的至少十位球星,這部電影也值得一看。

考考你   小試牛刀

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