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Keeping mum《保持緘默》精講之三
[ 2008-04-21 18:04 ]


文化面面觀 她是奧斯卡影后,是Harry Potter系列中格蘭分多學院的院長,是《保持緘默》中用暴力解決問題的女管家,她就是Maggie Smith。

考考你 一展身手



Grace: This is just… He's a persistent little fellow, isn't he?

Gloria: It's not what I call him. I've given it a good airing, but it's still a little bit musty.

Grace: Oh no, it's perfect. It's just as I imagined it. A perfect home for a perfect family.

Gloria: Well, let's hope they make us an offer.

Grace: A sense of humour. I like that.

Gloria: Good, because you're going to need one.

Grace: There you go again.

Gloria: How are we going to get that upstairs?

Walter: Oh, we'll find a way.

Holly: What do you think is in it?

Glorai: I don't know and I didn't ask. Holly!

Holly: I just want to know what's in it.

Grace: Memories, dear. A life time of memories. And a few clothes. You must be Holly. My, you are tall. You must get that from your father's side. And…

Holly: Oh, this is David.

David: Hi.

Grace: Oh! The women in this family certainly share a taste for good looking fellows.

Walter: Holly, are you taking the weight?

Holly: This way.

Grace: A sharp left, darling.

Gloria: Watch it, watch it.

Walter: Sorry, sorry. Now this door's very narrow.

Walter: Well now, I don't think the occasion should go by without a few words.

Gloria: Walter.

Walter: Just a few words, Gloria. Lord, thank you for this day. And thank you for bringing us Grace, who has joined our family today and who we hope will be very happy here. And thank you also for Carl... Mark...

Holly: David.

Walter: David, David, who we've also only just met, actually, but who seems to be a very... ah... nice young man indeed.

Gloria: Amen. Alright, who would like a cup of tea?

Holly: Yeah, we'd better get going.

Grace: Thank you for that, Walter. Vicar, sir.

Walter: Oh, you're very welcome, Grace. I meant every word.

Gloria: Thank you.


1. I've given it a good airing, but it's still a little bit musty.


2. let's hope they make us an offer

這里的offer 是指“報價,出價”。當Grace 說“家很完美”時,Gloria 就說了“let's hope they make us an offer”,意思就是“看看人們會對我們的房子出什么價”,開玩笑而已。

3. You must get that from your father's side

“你一定是遺傳你爸爸(的身高)”?!斑z傳……”可以用“get… from one’s father’s /mother’s side”,比如:She gets her eyes from her mother’s side. 她遺傳了她媽媽的眼睛。表達“遺傳”還可以用“have one’s father’s / mother’s…”,比如:Harry has his mother’s eyes. 哈利有著和他媽媽一樣的眼睛。You have your father’s temper. 你和你爸爸脾氣一樣。

4. The women in this family certainly share a taste for good looking fellows.

“這個家族里的女人顯然都喜歡英俊的小伙子”。Taste 這里指“愛好,喜好,品位”,比如:She has a good taste in Russian music. 她在俄羅斯音樂上很有品位。


文化面面觀她是奧斯卡影后,是Harry Potter系列中格蘭分多學院的院長,是《保持緘默》中用暴力解決問題的女管家,她就是Maggie Smith。


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