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普京獲俄羅斯Muz TV音樂獎提名
Vladimir Putin nominated for music award honoring contributions to hip hop

[ 2010-04-16 13:17]     字號 [] [] []  
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相當于俄羅斯MTV音樂獎的Muz TV音樂獎近日公布提名名單,讓人意外的是俄羅斯總理普京竟然在“年度事件”提名者之列。據悉,普京獲得此次提名是因為他曾經現身去年11月電視直播的“為尊重而戰”說唱比賽的現場,不過57歲的普京當時看起來有點不知所措,一動不動地站在一群恣意歡唱的小年輕中間。此外,普京還曾經在嘻哈音樂節發表演講,演講詞中還混雜著年輕人熟悉的俚語和嘻哈語調。有批評家認為普京這樣的做法其實是增進其支持率的一種策略,而普京則予以否認,稱他只是想要接觸年輕人,并且警告他們毒品和酒精會帶來的危害。Muz TV音樂獎將在本月底舉行頒獎儀式,普京能否出席以及會否獲獎還是未知數。

普京獲俄羅斯Muz TV音樂獎提名

普京獲俄羅斯Muz TV音樂獎提名

Vladimir Putin meets with young people at rap music competition in Moscow.

Vladimir Putin is poised to receive an award honoring his musical talents after making an improbable foray into the world of hip hop and rap.

Russia's home grown answer to MTV – Muz TV – said it had nominated the Russian prime minister for its "Event of the Year" award for his bizarre appearance last November on the televised final of a rap "battle for respect". The nomination is something of a surprise, since at the time the 57-year-old Mr. Putin looked awkward and stood motionless among a crowd of teenagers as they writhed to a noisy rap song.

At another point, as a hip-hop groove played in the background, Mr. Putin delivered a speech that mixed teenage street slang with observations on the hip hop scene - about which he apparently knew little. Critics dismissed the move as a cynical ploy to boost his already stellar ratings but Mr. Putin denied that, saying he wanted to reach out to young people to warn them of the dangers of drugs and vodka.

"It would be impossible to perform so-called low risk break dancing and still less high risk break dancing while on drugs," he told his teenage audience, without apparent irony.

The awards ceremony will take place in Moscow later this month, though it is unclear whether Mr. Putin will attend or indeed win.


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普京獲俄羅斯Muz TV音樂獎提名

(中國日報網英語點津 Helen 編輯)





