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[ 2013-11-25 14:00] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
免費訂閱30天China Daily雙語新聞手機報:移動用戶編輯短信CD至106580009009


XIV—Ecological civilization


A comprehensive system is to be established, featuring the strictest possible rules to protect the ecological system.

51. 健全自然資源資產產權制度和用途管制制度。對水流、森林等自然生態空間進行統一確權登記,建立空間規劃體系,劃定生產、生活、生態空間開發管制界限。

51. Improve the property rights system for natural resources and the administration of their use. Register natural resources, such as bodies of water and forests, in the property rights system, establish a space-planning system and clarify development restrictions for land and space.

52. 劃定生態保護紅線。建立國家公園體制。建立資源環境承載能力監測預警機制,對限制開發區域和生態脆弱的國家扶貧開發工作重點縣取消地區生產總值考核。探索編制自然資源資產負債表,對領導干部實行自然資源資產離任審計。建立生態環境損害責任終身追究制。

52. Draw a “red line” for ecological protection. To set up a national park system. Build monitoring and warning mechanisms for the carrying capacity of natural resources and the environment. End the GDP assessment of key poverty-alleviation areas with fragile eco-systems. Explore and establish a natural resources balance sheet, officials will receive audits on natural resources when leaving office. A lifelong responsibility system for bioenvironment damage will be established.

53. 實行資源有償使用制度和生態補償制度。加快自然資源及其產品價格改革,逐步將資源稅擴展到占用各種自然生態空間。提高工業用地價格。發展環保市場,推行節能量、碳排放權、排污權、水權交易制度。

53. Establish a system of paid use for natural resources ecological compensation. Accelerate reforms of natural resources commodities pricing, and gradually levy taxes on all kinds of natural resources and space. Increase the price of industrial land. Develop a market for environment protection and push ahead with a trading system for pollution discharge, carbon emissions and water rights.

54. 改革生態環境保護管理體制。建立和完善嚴格監管所有污染物排放的環境保護管理制度,及時公布環境信息,健全舉報制度,加強社會監督。完善污染物排放許可制,對造成生態環境損害的責任者嚴格實行賠償制度,依法追究刑事責任。

54. Reform environmental protection and management systems. Establish a system in which all pollutants are monitored and regulated. Release timely environmental information and improve the reporting system to strengthen social supervision. Improve the pollutant-discharge licensing system and control the pollutants. Polluters who damage the environment must compensate for the damage and could receive criminal sanctions.


XV—Defense and army reform


The People's Liberation Army must be loyal to the CPC, be able to win and be persistent with its good traditions.

55. 深化軍隊體制編制調整改革。健全軍委聯合作戰指揮機構和戰區聯合作戰指揮體制,推進聯合作戰訓練和保障體制改革。優化武裝警察部隊力量結構和指揮管理體制。調整改善軍兵種比例、官兵比例、部隊與機關比例,減少非戰斗機構和人員。

55. Deepen the reform of the military's composition and functions. Improve the combined combat command systems of the Central Military Commission and military commands. Push forward reform of training and logistics for joint combat operations. Optimize the structure and command mechanism of the Armed Police Force. Adjust the personnel composition of the military and reduce non-combatant departments and staff members.

56. 推進軍隊政策制度調整改革。以建立軍官職業化制度為牽引,逐步形成科學規范的軍隊干部制度體系。健全軍費管理制度。

56. Boost the adjustment of military policies and mechanisms. A modern personnel system for officers will gradually take shape with the establishment of an all-volunteer officer system as the initial step. Improve management of military expenditures.

57. 推動軍民融合深度發展。改革國防科研生產管理和武器裝備采購體制機制,引導優勢民營企業進入軍品科研生產和維修領域。

57. Boost coordinated development of military and civilian industries. Reform the development, production and procurement of weapons. Encourage private businesses to invest in the development and repair sectors of military products.


XVI—CPC's leadership


The CPC must strengthen and improve its leadership in such a way to become a Party that learns, innovates and serves the people.

58. 充分發揚黨內民主,堅決維護中央權威,保證政令暢通,堅定不移實現中央改革決策部署。中央成立全面深化改革領導小組,負責改革總體設計、統籌協調。

58. Promote intra-Party democracy and firmly maintain the central leadership, ensuring that orders are timely received and fully implemented. The Central Reform Leading Group is commissioned to design and coordinate the reform.

59. 改革和完善干部考核評價制度,推進干部能上能下、能進能出。打破體制壁壘,掃除身份障礙,讓人人都有成長成才、脫穎而出的通道,讓各類人才都有施展才華的廣闊天地。完善黨政機關、企事業單位、社會各方面人才順暢流動的制度體系。廣泛吸引境外優秀人才回國或來華創業發展。

59. Reform the evaluation and promotion system for Party officials. Improve a system in which officials can be demoted or fired for poor performance. Encourage talent and clear barriers to recruiting the best. Smooth talent flow among Party and government bodies, enterprises and social organizations. Better attract foreign talent and overseas Chinese to develop their careers in China.

60. 鼓勵地方、基層和群眾大膽探索,加強重大改革試點工作。及時總結經驗,寬容改革失誤。

60. Encourage innovation and exploration at the local and grassroots level. Strengthen the major reform pilot program, timely sum up experience and tolerate mistakes.







(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)







