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Decision time 決策關頭

[ 2013-05-10 13:47]     字號 [] [] []  
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Narrator: 你好!歡迎收聽《白領英語》的大結局。上集節目中我們聽到大老板 Mr Socrates 解雇了 Paul, 然后給 Anna 了一個升職做老板的機會。但是 Anna 會接受這個工作嗎?怎么了,Anna?

Anna: I feel bad about replacing Paul. He’s been good to me.

Narrator: 這可是殘酷的商場啊! Paul 現在已經不能勝任這份工作了,但是你可以!

Anna: Thanks. But why me? Can I do the job? I’m not as experienced as Tom.

Narrator: 過去一年中你已經完全證明了你的經驗比 Tom 要豐富很多!Anna 加油,你肯定沒問題的。

Anna: Hmmm.

Mr Socrates: (On the phone) So Anna… what do you say? Will you replace Paul as the new boss of Tip Top Trading? Come on Anna. This promotion recognises your achievements at the company. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime.

Anna: I know.

Mr Socrates: You’ll be my right-hand man.

Narrator: 我覺他的意思是 ‘right-hand woman’ 右手的女人 – 意思就說你會成為他完全信得過的得力的助手。

Anna: I see.

Narrator: Anna 如果你需要些時間再考慮考慮的話,你可以說 ‘thank you for your kind words’ 謝謝你對我的認可,‘could I have some time to consider your offer?’能不能再給我一些時間,讓我考慮一下這個工作機會?

Anna: Erm, Mr Socrates. This news has come as a bit of a shock. Thank you for your kind words but please could I have some time to consider your offer?

Mr Socrates: Oh… OK Anna. But please don’t leave it too long. I have a habit of changing my mind.

Anna: OK, Mr Socrates… I mean Brad… I’ll call you back soon. Bye.

(Anna puts the phone down)

Tom: Oh… has Mr S offered you Paul’s job by any chance?

Anna: Yes!

Tom: And you said you’d think about it?

Anna: Yes. I’m not sure if I can take on that much responsibility.

Tom: It’s easy peasy. I could do it standing on my head!

Denise: But he’s not offering you the job Tom.

Anna: Please don’t mention this to Paul… not yet… he’s very upset.

Tom: I know nothing!

Anna: You know nothing… about what?

Tom: I mean, I’ll remain tight lipped… I won’t say a word… until it’s all official like. You can count on me.

Anna: "You can count on me"!

Tom: Uh?

Anna: "You can count on me". That was the message with that that bunch of flowers someone sent me. It was you, wasn’t it?!

Tom: Well… err… I suppose… yes… it was me Anna. I couldn’t help it. I… I… love you Anna.

Anna: Do you know what Tom… I quite like you too… I think you’re… sweet. Now come on and give me a kiss.

(Door opens)

Paul: Oh crumbs, shall I come back later?!

Tom: No it’s OK Paul. We’re just… getting to know each other a bit better. In fact, Anna… I’d like to ask you something.

Denise: Oh, why is Tom getting down on one knee?

Paul: I expect he’s dropped one of his contact lenses.

Tom: No it’s not that. Anna, I’d like to ask you something… err… will you… will you marry me?

Anna: What?!

Denise: I don’t believe it!

Narrator: 唉呀,真是左右為難。Anna 眼前有兩個非常重要的問題在等著她回答。她會接受這個工作成為 Tip Top 貿易公司最年輕的經理嗎?Anna 會和 Tom 結婚嗎?我們再來聽一遍 Mr Socrates 給 Anna 工作機會時用到的語言:

This promotion recognises your achievements at the company.

It’s an opportunity of a lifetime.

You would be my right-hand man.

Narrator: 如果 Anna 接受這個工作,她可以用以下的表達:

I’d be delighted to accept. Thank you.

When would I start?

Could we discuss the terms and conditions of the new job?

Narrator: 下面我們趕快來聽聽 Anna 的回答是什么。

Anna: …oh Tom, I don’t know what to say. It’s come as a bit of a shock. Can I have some time to think about it?

Tom: I suppose.

Paul: Well, while you think about that, I’ve got some good news. I’ve been offered a new job.

Denise: That’s fantastic news Paul. What is it?

Paul: It’s to be Head Taster at a company called Better Biscuits.

Anna: That’s fantastic news Paul.

Tom: Yeah well done Paul. That’s right up your street.

Denise: So Anna, does that mean you’ll do Paul’s job now?

Tom: Don’t answer that. Answer my proposal first.

Denise: No, I think she should sort out her work first.

Tom: But I’ve been waiting to ask her for months.

Paul: I think it’s up to Anna to say what she wants.

Anna: Quiet! Look everyone, I can’t decide what to say to you Tom, or Mr Socrates. So I’ve decided I’m going to take a short holiday to have some time to think.

Tom: Good idea. Where shall we go to?

Anna: On my own Tom. When I return I will give you my answers.

Paul: Crumbs! I’d better go and get a biscuit.

Narrator: 這個辦法不錯 Anna. 不過我們得等 Anna 休假回來后才能知道她最終的決定。過去一年中 Anna 在 Tip Top 貿易公司做得很辛苦,也該去度個假,放松放松。希望你在過去的一年中學到了一些能在工作中使用的語言。我和 Tip Top 貿易公司的全體成員感謝你的收聽,再見!


On the up 好改觀


White elephant 華而不實的東西


(來源:BBC英語教學 編輯:Julie)





