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Niceties of old-style diplomacy still work

[2017-06-11 13:55]

A diplomat, as once defined by the United States writer Caskie Stinnett, "is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip".

Future of Sino-German ties brighter

[2017-06-11 13:55]

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany.

Africa can realize industrialization with China's help

[2017-06-11 13:55]

As a result of an emphasis on industrialization as the potential key driver of Africa's development at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Johannesburg Summit in 2015, it has become a major area of focus for policymakers, implementers and thought leaders in Africa.

Initiative for cultures, not just economies

[2017-06-11 13:55]

In his keynote speech at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on May 14, President Xi Jinping said, "We should build the Belt and Road into a road of innovation".

New cybersecurity law benefits citizens

[2017-06-11 13:55]

China's cybersecurity law took effect on June 1, just a few weeks after the ransomware virus WannaCry hit computers around the world.

Trump unwise to pull out of Paris climate accord

[2017-06-10 07:12]

All of a sudden, the world's power balance is shifting, with China and to a lesser extent the European Union as the main beneficiaries. Most observers feel US President Donald Trump's rambling speech announcing the United States' withdrawal from the Paris climate change agreement marked a point at which he unwittingly yielded international influence to China, whose economy is steadily growing and is on track to become the largest in the world soon.

SCO can now better promote regional unity

[2017-06-10 07:12]

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization was expanded for the first time at the two-day summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, with the inclusion of India and Pakistan. The inclusion of the two major regional countries in the SCO demonstrates the organization's growing appeal.

Law needed to prevent misuse of big data

[2017-06-10 07:12]

That 15 big data companies, among which one is newly listed, are being investigated on the charge of selling customers' data exposes the lack of rule of law in the booming industry.

Niceties of old-style diplomacy still work

[2017-06-10 07:12]

A diplomat, as once defined by US writer Caskie Stinnett, "is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip". Stinnett was writing in the mid-20th century, when exchanges between governments still relied on cadres of professionals based in each other's capitals and communicating with home via telegram, or dispatches hand-carried by couriers and consigned to diplomatic bags.

US has no cause to be adversarial with China

[2017-06-08 07:34]

As always, the US Department of Defense's 2017 report on military and security developments involving China carries some of the all-too-familiar biased interpretations of China's actions and intentions.

Partiality must not be allowed

[2017-06-08 07:34]

Past experiences indicate that the more indifferent a society is to employment discrimination, the more rampant such kind of discrimination is.

Rural residents require swindle awareness of illegal fundraising

[2017-06-08 07:34]

AS MORE URBAN RESIDENTS have become aware that illegal fundraising cheats them out of their hard-earned money, and the police have strengthened their enforcement to curb such fundraising, some of these confidence tricksters are reported to have expanded their "business" to certain rural areas. Legal Daily reports:

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