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Foreign VC spurs China's new economy

[2017-04-16 14:36]

Despite the slip in global venture capital investment, venture capital in China has experienced a steady growth year by year.

Xi's book offers insight into governance

[2017-04-15 07:29]

I am very pleased to come to Pakistan for the launch ceremony of the Urdu version of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China with Pakistani friends. On behalf of the Department of Publicity of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, I warmly welcome the friends who have come here to attend the launch event and express my heartfelt thanks to the friends from various circles who have made contributions to the publication of this book!

Students get protection from loan sharks

[2017-04-15 07:29]

The China Banking Regulatory Commission recently launched a series of measures to reduce internet financing risks. One of the measures is aimed at regulating online student loan platforms. It says such platforms or agencies should not grant loans to university students who don't have the capability to pay back, and bans promotions that trick students into borrowing money and ending up paying exorbitantly high interest rates.

Hyping up assumed 'China slowdown' harms business

[2017-04-15 07:29]

One of the most influential Australian media outlets has hyped up a hypothetical "China slowdown" while highlighting the severe economic consequences it could bring to Australia.

Peninsula parties must change track to avoid head-on collision

[2017-04-13 06:56]

For those convinced a military solution to the current crisis on the Korean Peninsula is unavoidable, Chinese President Xi Jinping's latest emphasis on "resolving problems through peaceful means" in a phone conversation with his US counterpart on Wednesday should act as a reminder that the worst-case scenario should and can be avoided.

An example of what not to do

[2017-04-13 06:56]

Video of an Asian passenger being dragged off a United Airlines flight by airport police in Chicago on Sunday night, which went viral on the internet, has drawn widespread public anger.

Resurrection of pyramid selling on social media calls for vigilance

[2017-04-13 06:56]

IN 2013, a company that sold self-made coins based on the "five elements" of feng shui to its customers at 5,000 yuan ($725) a piece and offered a percentage to those who sold the coins to other people was charged by the Ministry of Public Security with illegal pyramid selling, and 33 of the organizers were detained or arrested. However, a recent online video shows the organization is still alive, even expanding. Thepaper.cn comments:

Shut the loopholes for lending traps

[2017-04-13 06:56]

ACCORDING TO THE LATEST GUIDELINE on lending issued by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, online lenders are prohibited from approaching potential borrowers with a bad credit history and college students under 18. Legal Daily commented on Wednesday:

Convenience of use must be core of public designs

[2017-04-13 06:56]

PHOTOS SHOWING 3.48-meter high bus stop boards in Jianyang, Southwest China's Sichuan province, went viral online recently. Even Yao Ming, the 2.26-meter tall basketball player, may not be able to clearly see the small characters listing the names of more than 30 stops, which are crowded in an area just 40 centimeters wide.


[2017-04-13 06:58]

A good start to China-US relationship

[2017-04-13 06:56]

Editor's note: Five researchers in international studies share their views with China Daily's Cui Shoufeng on the just-concluded meeting between President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Donald Trump. Excerpts below:

Groundwater shortage calls for urgent action

[2017-04-13 06:56]

China's decision to relocate Beijing's non-capital functions to Xiongan New Area, which is home to Baiyangdian Lake, the largest freshwater body in North China, highlights the acute water shortage Beijing faces. This calls for special attention to the groundwater shortage.

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