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Star's appointment heralds better sports management

[2017-02-27 14:01]

CHINESE BASKETBALL STAR YAO MING was elected chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association by a unanimous vote at the association's ninth national congress on Thursday. Thepaper.cn commented on Friday:

Stricter enforcement required to eliminate bad practices in local tourism industries

[2017-02-27 14:01]

CHEN SHUN, vice-governor of Southwest China's Yunnan province, launched a personal, off-the-record inspection of the province's tourism industry before Spring Festival, and reportedly was "deeply" shocked by what he found. Thepaper.cn commented on Saturday:

Work together to promote and protect human rights

[2017-02-27 14:01]

In his speech at the UN office in Geneva in mid January, President Xi Jinping addressed in great depth the subject of building of a community of shared future for mankind, which is the call of our time.

How China will win its war on poverty

[2017-02-27 14:01]

It is one thing to make promises, but quite another to keep them. The Chinese government has promised to eradicate poverty by 2020 - the target year for China to become a "moderately prosperous" society - and the country is confident this promise will be kept.

Firms should know African politics

[2017-02-26 15:06]

China's developmental engagement in Africa, especially in infrastructure, often generates polarizing views that sometimes result in big controversies.

Help preserve continent's precious wild side

[2017-02-26 15:06]

The recent announcement by the Chinese government of a ban on ivory trading and processing by the end of 2017 offers real optimism in the fight against elephant poaching.

Railway is the route to a peaceful region

[2017-02-26 15:06]

Early this year, Uganda agreed to the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway linking Kampala to Kenya.

Reform to boost technology innovation

[2017-02-26 15:06]

The Chinese government has put technology innovation high on its agenda over the past few years and has made many achievements.

Europe's leaders seek a China trade tonic

[2017-02-26 15:06]

French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve became the latest European leader to beat a path to Beijing, carrying a message in support of globalized free trade and against a protectionist revival favored by "certain populists".

Galleons, junks, clippers: Hooked on history

[2017-02-26 15:06]

Barely a cannon shot from where I sit writing this column lie three concrete reminders of the golden age of maritime history - the World War II warship HMS Belfast, the 19th-century tea clipper Cutty Sark and a working full-size replica of the Golden Hind, the ship that British seafaring hero Sir Francis Drake used to navigate the world in the 16th century.

Open markets key to Asian growth

[2017-02-26 15:06]

The United Kingdom's vote to exit the European Union and the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States are clear manifestations of a backlash against globalization in some advanced economies.

Overseas R&D: Fast track for learning

[2017-02-26 15:06]

As they expand overseas, Chinese enterprises have entered a new phase: taking advantage of international knowledge and technology.

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