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The Simpsons movie《辛普森一家》精講之六
[ 2008-02-01 14:51 ]


影片對白  Homer, I've always stood up for you. When people point out your flaws, I always say: ''Well, sometimes you have to stand back to appreciate a work of art.''



主婦典型 Marge Simpson

Marjorie "Marge" Simpson is the well-meaning and extremely patient wife of Homer Simpson. Her most notable physical feature is her blue hair, styled into an improbably high beehive; she is proud to have never met anyone with taller hair outside Graceland.

Marge’s image is typically that of a stereotypical sitcom mother who is sometimes portrayed as naive and gullible. Despite having higher morals than most other characters, Marge has had her fair share of wild escapades throughout the show’s history. She was once a police officer in Springfield, took therapy for road rage, was jailed for shoplifting, became a gambling addict, showed alcoholic tendencies, was an unwilling participant in a cross-country police chase, overdosed on steroids, cheated on a cooking competition and developed amnesia. She has also sold drugs at a garage sale which she was jailed for. These are just some of the strange situations in which Marge has found herself. She also displays a surprisingly strong will. In The Joy of Sect, she escapes brainwashing by the Movementarian Church. Marge is the only member of the family who actively encourages church attendance. She also appears to have significant athletic ability in times of imminent danger. She is bilingual, being fully fluent in French.

Marge is a talented painter. When she was a teenager she had an intense crush on Ringo Starr and painted a large number of portraits of him. She also wrote to him, but only received a reply 25 years later. After Homer discovered her old paintings, Lisa encouraged Marge to enroll in an art contest in which her portrait of a drunk Homer asleep on the couch won a local art competition. She was then hired by Mr. Burns to do a portrait of him. After many attempts, she almost gave up until a belated response from Ringo Starr (stating that she had talent) inspired to continue. The resulting portrait won even Mr. Burns’ praise, a massive feat in itself.

Marge is a very talented cook. She once started a pretzel business, which flourished with the aid of the mafia. She has entered various cooking challenges, although circumstances such as vengeful competitors and overheated ovens cause her to lose and once, sabotage other competitors. Marge revealed in the episode All's Fair in Oven War that she feeds the family on twelve dollars a week. In general she is regarded as a very good cook. She is especially renowned for her pork chops, Homer's favorite dish. (answers.com)



1. 沒人能明白他為什么站在一個無藥可救的罪犯一邊。

2. 他不得不躲藏一段時間。

3. 在爭論沒有平息之前,你最好還是等待時機。

4. 陌生人被告知在這兒要低調,因為當地人不怎么歡迎生面孔。

The Simpsons movie《辛普森一家》精講之五 考考你 參考答案

1. 我跟不上他的思路。

I couldn't follow his train of thought.

2. 關鍵問題是他是不是遵守了法律。

Whether or not he obeyed the law is the bottom line.

3. 大多數人都贊同減稅。

Most people are in favor of reduced taxation.


影片對白  Homer, I've always stood up for you. When people point out your flaws, I always say: ''Well, sometimes you have to stand back to appreciate a work of art.''




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