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Keeping mum《保持緘默》精講之六
[ 2008-04-28 17:35 ]


文化面面觀 最有貴族范兒的英倫女星——Kristin Scott Thomas

我觀之我見 這種極端的解決方式在電影中似乎是給牧師一家帶來了美好的生活,在其背后卻是極端的荒誕和黑色幽默,用這種方式只能不停的殺下去,直到最后把自身也埋葬。

考考你 一展身手



Mrs Parker: It's about the flower arranging committee.

Gloria: Oh, uhm, well, you'll have to talk to him, not to me.

Mrs Parker: Cynthia Martin has been doing her level best to undermine my leadership. I believe she's planning a coup.

Gloria: A coup?

Mrs Parker: Behind my back, yes! If you don't mind, I just need to sit. Behind my back and, and behind the Reverend's back as well. It's a disgrace. I would even go as far as saying, it is amoral. And knowing what I know now, I don't see how I can keep quiet.

Holly: Jesus Christ, I knew it. She knows!

Mrs Parker: And when the Reverend finds out, he will be mortified, I can assure you. I'm going to tell him, Mrs Goodfellow.

Holly: Grace. Grace, no.

Mrs Parker: No matter how much damage is done, he must be told.

Gloria: Well, I'm sure Walter will have a quiet word with Cynthia Martin, and it will be all sorted out.

Mrs Parker: But it's not just Mrs Martin. That’s the peers. They've all got their sordid little agendas. In sixty years, Mrs. Goodfellow, I have never known anything like it. And in my condition, too. It's really affecting my heart, you know? I really do wish it didn't have to come to this, but it does. Your husband must be told.

Grace: That's quite enough, Mrs Parker. Out of the way, please dear.

Gloria: What are you doing?

Grace: I will not have this family torn apart after all we've been through.

Gloria: What?

Holly: She knows, Mum! We have to. She was going to tell dad.

Gloria: About the committee, the flower arranging committee! This has nothing to do with anything else... Mrs Parker?

Grace: Oh, dear.

Gloria: Mrs Parker, can you hear me?

Holly: Shit, is she...

Grace: Yes, I believe she is.

Holly: Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

Grace: She said herself she had a dickey heart.

Gloria: I think you might have a dickey heart, if someone came at you with a frying pan.

Grace: Well, it was a simple misunderstanding, it could happen to anybody.

Gloria: This cannot go on, Mother! I’ve had it enough.

Grace: I understand you're upset.


1. do one's level best

這個片語乍一看有些陌生,但其實它和do one's best 的意思是一樣的,也可以寫成是do one's damnedest,意思就是“perform as well as one can, do the utmost possible 盡全力”,例如:She did her level best to pass the course. 她盡全力通過了考試。

2. behind one's back

這個片語和中文“背著某人(做某事)”在表現形式上很有些異曲同工之妙,意思就是“out of one's presence or without someone's knowledge”,例如:Joan has a nasty way of maligning her friends behind their backs. 瓊在背后惡意中傷她的朋友們。

3. go as far as to

也寫作go so far as to,意思是“proceed to the point of doing something 到……程度”,例如: I wouldn't go so far as to call him incompetent, but he does need supervision.我還不至于說他無能,但他確實需要監督。


文化面面觀最有貴族范兒的英倫女星——Kristin Scott Thomas



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