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On the Town 都市掠影
The Sherlock Holmes Museum 福爾摩斯博物館
[ 2009-06-19 15:04 ]


The Sherlock Holmes Museum 福爾摩斯博物館

Mrs Hudson, Sherlock Holmes's housekeeper and museum guide.
Neil: Hello, it's On the Town from BBC Learning English with Neil and Lily.

Lily: 大家好。歡迎各位隨我們一起到倫敦著名的福爾摩斯博物館好好玩一趟。

Neil: Have you read Sherlock Holmes' Detective Stories, Lily?

Lily: Of course, Sherlock Holmes has always been very famous in China you know, Neil.

Neil: And all over the world in fact! That's why this museum is very popular among foreign visitors as well as British tourists.

Lily: John Riley is an assistant curator at the museum, assistant curator. 助理館員。


The museum is one of the most popular museums in London and we have about 50,000 people a year from all parts of the globe. Well, it's special because it answers all the descriptions in the stories – so anybody who's read the Sherlock Holmes stories who'd like to come to 221B Baker Street – they can see exactly what it should look like in the stories. You can see people and hear things as they are in the flesh, rather than as they are in the word.

Neil: The museum is special because it answers all the descriptions in the stories.

Lily: 凡是讀過福爾摩斯探案集的朋友們,肯定都很想能夠親身來到貝克街221號B座這里來探訪一番,看看這里的感覺是不是和書中描述的一樣。

Neil: So you can see people and hear things as they are in the flesh rather than as they are in the written word.

Lily: In the flesh 活生生的,而不只是文字上的。 So what can you see in the museum?

Neil: Well, Lindsey plays the role of Mrs Hudson; she gave us a guided tour.


Sure, well, it was built in 1815, and the original house is over three floors. Yeah, it's very traditional. So as you come up the stairs into the house, the first room I'll take you into is Sherlock Holmes' bedroom. You can see his bed with his travelling kit upon it, you can see portraits on the walls of all of the criminals of the day - very fearsome! Then next door is his study that he shared with Doctor Watson; you can see his chemistry set, where he did all of his experiments, and his violin. And you can even sit in the chairs by the fire and pretend that you're Sherlock Holmes waiting for his first client of the day to come up the stairs.

Neil: Now some questions to check your comprehension. What was the one word that she used to describe the museum building?

Lily: The museum building... traditional, isn't it? 傳統的。

Neil: Good. How did she describe the portraits of the criminals of the day?

Lily: Criminals of the day 當時的罪犯。她說他們看起來好像非常的可怕 fearsome.

Neil: Yes, well done. Let's listen a bit more.


And you can even sit in the chairs by the fire and pretend that you're Sherlock Holmes waiting for his first client of the day to come up the stairs.

Lily: 參觀者還可以假裝福爾莫斯,坐在壁爐旁邊的扶手椅子里,等待他的客戶上樓來交談。

Neil: Today we are visiting the Sherlock Holmes Museum - the only museum that is dedicated to someone who has never existed!

Lily: Did you say that Sherlock Holmes never existed?

Neil: Of course, it is a fictional detective; but the stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle were so good that people believed that he was real.

Lily: 福爾摩斯曾經是一位 fictional figure 虛構的人物。他的故事發生在19世紀的末期。

Neil: However, he is still very relevant to modern day life. Why? Here's Lindsey again:


He's such an inspiration, because he helped so many people, and he's really kind of like a saviour almost, back in the day, protecting people from crime.

Neil: Sherlock Holmes has been such an inspiration.

Lily: Inspiration 就是靈感啟示的意思。 The verb is: inspire. So you can say, the story of Sherlock Holmes has inspired a lot of people in the world.

Neil: He is kind of like a saviour, protecting people from crime.

Lily: 他幾乎可以算是一個為民除害的大救星。 Let's listen to this clip again.


He's such an inspiration, because he helped so many people, and he's really kind of like a saviour almost, back in the day, protecting people from crime.

Neil: Well, hope you can come to see the museum one day but for now it's goodbye from both of us in London.

Lily: Bye!


The Sherlock Holmes Museum 福爾摩斯博物館



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