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On the Town 都市掠影
Down the Pub 去酒館喝酒
[ 2009-06-25 14:36 ]


Down the Pub 去酒館喝酒

Are you feeling thirsty?
Neil: Hiya Jean, I hope you’re feeling thirsty today.

Jean: Why's that, Neil?

Neil: Well, you'll find out soon. Welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English. This is the programme where we find out about interesting things to do in London.

Jean: 是的,在我們 On the Town 節目當中,我們會帶大家來一同了解倫敦的一些非常有意思的地方。

Neil: Ok, Jean, this place is a British institution.

Jean: 這可是英國的國寶級單位。

Neil: But it's not just one building; there are thousands of them. In fact there are almost 6,000 of them in London alone.

Jean: What can you do in them?

Neil: Well, you can relax, talk to friends and of course, drink.

Jean: It's the pub. 沒錯,我們今天的話題就是英國的酒館。

Neil: That's right, Today we're going down the pub.

Jean: Down the pub. 英國人說去酒館喝酒,比較隨意的說法就是 let's go down the pub.

Jean: So, what's so good about going down the pub?

Neil: Here's Dean Feltzer. He loves London's pubs so much that he's set up a website called fancyapint.com.


It's about the whole package: it's about the environment, the atmosphere, the people who work in the pub, the people who visit the pub and the beer's important, but it's not the ultimate part of the experience.

Neil: He says it's about the whole package.

Jean: The whole package 你可以用 package 這個詞來形容提供一些或者一系列的東西。

Neil: It's about the environment.

Jean: Environment. Environment 既可以是自然環境,也可以是你身邊周圍的環境。

Neil: And the atmosphere.

Jean: Atmosphere 環境氣氛。

Neil: It's about the people who work in the pub and the people who visit the pub.

Jean: And what about the beer?

Neil: Well, the beer's important, but it isn't the ultimate part of the experience. The ultimate.

Jean: The ultimate. 首要的,最根本的。在這里就是指最重要的那個方面。

Neil: So Jean, fancy a pint?

Jean: Why not? Fancy a pint? 也是英國人彼此之間比較口語化的問話,就是“想喝一杯嗎”,這樣來邀請對方一起去酒館。 A pint 一品脫的啤酒一般是英國酒館里傳統的啤酒杯容量,相當于半升多一點。


A: Good evening, what can I get you?

B: I'll have a pint of bitter and half a lager, please.

Jean: What's bitter?

Neil: Bitter is a traditional British beer. It's darker and warmer than other beer and has less gas.

Jean: Bitter 就是英國傳統的苦啤酒,比一般的啤酒顏色要深,溫度略高,而且含氣量要少一些。 And what about lager?

Neil: Lager is the cold, golden beer that you find in China. Tsing Tao is lager.

Jean: Lager. Lager 就是咱們中國人喜歡喝的溫度更涼、顏色更金黃的淺色啤酒。青島啤酒就是 lager. So what's half a lager?

Neil: It's half a pint, but we just say "half" of something. Half a lager.

Jean: Can you only drink beer in pubs?

Neil: No, you can drink wine, alcopops, spirits and soft drinks too.

Jean: Alcopops 混合果汁汽水酒. Spirits 酒精含量高的烈酒. Soft drinks 軟飲料。 I've heard there are some very old pubs in London.

Neil: There are, and some have a very interesting history. Listen to Dean.


There are several old pubs that we really like, like The Mayflower on the South Bank, allegedly where the Pilgrim Fathers met before they set out; a fantastic pub with great river views.

Jean: 有一所著名的英國酒館叫做 "The Mayflower". 背后的故事就是當初移居美國的第一批開國先宗的天路客,在17世紀的坐著五月花遠征美國之前,飲酒送行的那個酒館。

Neil: Fancy another, Jean?

Jean: I think you've had enough already!

Neil: Well, unfortunately, that's all we have time for today in On the Town. If you want more help with your English then go to our website at bbcchina.com.cn and click on Learning English.

Jean: 想了解更多好學好玩的英語知識,就請到我們的網站來好啦,我們的網址就是 bbcchina.com.cn 點擊英語教學就可以了。

Neil: Or send us an email at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. See ya!

Jean: Bye!


Down the Pub 去酒館喝酒



Madame Tussauds 杜莎夫人蠟像館
Down the Pub 去酒館喝酒
The Sherlock Holmes Museum 福爾摩斯博物館
Tower Bridge 倫敦塔橋
The Royal Albert Hall 皇家愛爾伯特音樂廳
許巍《難忘的一天》- 英譯